The first of winter

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The cold felt nice, i could tell seb felt colder than usual but that was just cause he was still part human. From what i understand if a full blood bites him he can turn into a pure blood but also if he waits out his natural human life he should turn into a vampire after, but no one knows how long that could last. It does explain the cigarettes a little, get closer to death in human years so you can enjoy your vampire eternity. I put the heater on for the boys and started making my breakfast, it was just warm blood with a hot cup of coffee. Seb woke up a few minutes after the coffee brewed.

Seb:hey. Can i have a cup?
Y/N:course. Here's a cup i bought you.

It was a cup with a bunch of little void eggs on them. I made it, i felt embarrassed that i did so i lied to him. I also made a cup for Alex but it just has steaks on it. He also wasn't waking up until closer to night time anyway. I always loved winter because at home wed get to do more stuff at night so i could actually join in the fun. Seb looked at me curiously and smiled with a little blush on his face as he smiled.

Seb:i can read some of your thoughts now!
Seb:so you made us hand made cups that's really sweet.

A knock at the door stopped my embarrassment from continuing. It was Shane looking exhausted.

Shane:i smelled coffee.
Y/N:do you not have any at home?!

He walked in grabbed a cup and went to Alex's room. Jaisun had left the night before since he was only there to give his brother a hug before hibernation. I then saw sam enter the house without a comment also taking another cup and leaving to Alex's room. I stared at them all cuddled up in a doggy pile and took a picture. During this time its normal for wearwolfs to want to be like this the only problem is its supposed to be with their own pack. Soon penny came in and did the same thing, Pam ran into the house looking worried.

Pam:I'm...I'm so sorry shes being weird!
Seb:y/ns a vampire. We have a wearwolf from their adopted pack here for the winter and Sam and Shane already joined. I'm sure the others will come soon. no ones seen the kids then?
Y/N: jas and vincent should be hibernating with their elders.
Pam:yeah...sorry, I'm human so this is all just a lot.
Seb:Pam fell in love with a wearwolf and he died. No one knows how but it was after penny was born.
Pam:i should go then, I'm sure shes safe here then....
Y/N:dont worry, sams watching over her and the pack leader is here too so nothing can happen that isn't allowed.

Pam left smiling softly. She smelt so sad but that could just be her depression and self hatred. Seb looked at me smiling again.
He kept laughing and i through my cup at him shattering it on the wall by accident. That was the last cup in the house. It takes 1 week to make a brand new one. I sat sadly in my chair staring at sebs coffee. Then I heard him...i heard his thoughts.

Seb:just let them share your cup..just say it out loud you stupid emo. They'd take it. They'd bad thoughts no.

I laughed and looked at him, I didn't want him to know. It made it funnier for me. Plus I've never got to do this before, so I definitely wanted to hear everything.

Seb: why do they do that! I hate the name but when they say it i love it ughh
Seb:yeah what's up?
Y/n:can we share your cup?
Seb:say yes you idiot!
Seb:yeah sure, here let me refill it.

Oh this is gonna be a fun winter. We both did our work on the computer. I wrote a new book well started one for my editor, since i hate the sun its hard to farm most times so i became a writer for part time. I love to write so its not a hard thing and I've lived so long so if i wanted to i could just write someone i used to knows life story. Seb is a programmer so we just ended up staying on my bed doing our work. We stopped around 5pm, the sun started to set and we heard the pups wake up and do big yawns. Shane was the first out.

Shane:morning. See you two got along.
Y/N:i dont know, apparently you and i are getting along better haha

I laughed thinking about what Emily said. Shane played along with me, I wasn't really sure why we did this but it was always funny. He laughed and everyone was confused around us which made me laugh. He knows as a pack leader he needs to be with another wearwolf and i have never smelt pheromones from him when he flirted with me. His hear rate was always the same so i knew it was safe to flirt.

Shane:be careful chicken, you dont want our secrete to get out.
Y/N:whatever chicken man. Go wash my cups you stole!
Seb:um...what were you thinking about?
Y/N:what? I thought you could read my thoughts.
Seb:I accidentally read Shane's instead.
Y/N:ooo what was he thinking?
Seb:he was thinking how to make me uncomfortable

I laughed, he stared at me upset and soon sam and penny came down holding hands. We stared at them. Same joined us in bed and penny sat quietly next to me smiling. They talked and i listened to them. I could hear their thoughts...all of them now.

Sam:I didn't know penny was here, yoba i love her. I wait if i say yoba in front of them does it burn? Oh no what if i think it and its hurting them!
Penny:he's so stupid. I love him. Hum somethings up with shane...he seems sad.
Seb:i hate this. I was content with just us. Oh i need to see mom tomorrow. I could probably go tonight.
Shane:fuck. I'm so hungry.wait...chicken are you listening to me? That's not allowed, chicken. You might not like what you hear. Or..see.

My body shook. I felt a smile creep on my face and i jumped off the bed. Everyone stared at me as i ran to the kitchen to hit shane.

Shane: what are you sad it ended so quickly!?
Y/N:ill eat you!
Shane:no that's my job all you can do it bite.

No. Shane stop. He pushed me into the counter and soon seb and Alex came into the room. My thoughts were filled with hunger and embarrassment, while my feelings were all knotted suddenly.

Alex:let. Them. Go.
Shane:wasn't holding them.
Seb:shane we haven't eaten today you cant mess with them like that.
Shane: move.

I listened. and moved away from shane. Alex ran in and held me. He reassured me I wasn't sure why I didn't know what i was feeling so how did he? The hug helped. Seb soon joined and i could hear shane still in my head.

Shane:come on chicken, its not like wed ever hurt each other. Right? Either way, Sebastian and the pack are leaving tonight. Well be all alone. You better be careful around is mating season after all.

Y/N:shane ill murder you!
Alex:you cant. he in your head?
Y/N;yeah and its so hard to ignore!
Seb:fuck. I need to see mom now. If i dont this could get worse.
Alex:everyone leave, y/n and i are spending tonight watching bad vampire and wearwolf movies. It's tradition.

It's true. After hunting wed watch old bad movies about our kinds and it always made us laugh. Shane stared at you and winked as him and his pack all transformed outside. You watched Alex get sad as if he'd missed doing it. You nod at him and he jumped to join, in the air he transformed and they all ran together. He looked so happy. Now you were alone. For the first time in a really long time no one was near you. You ate some blood and finished your 6th chapter.

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