The Mute Freak (Raura) Love Story Ep 3

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Laura:*Listening to Music*(I cant stop thinking about the kiss Ross gave me.Like I still hate him & All but why would he kiss me? *Sigh*Whatever,I'm sure it was by accident.He wouldnt kiss a Freak like me,not even in a million years.)

Sofia:*Knocks on the door*Laura?*Walks in & Sits next to Laura*Sweety,I know it's gonna be hard but i think this is gonna be for your own good.

Laura:*Looks at Sofia,Confused*

Sofia:*Sighs*Sweety,We're moving back to New Jersey.


Sofia:We're gonna move over there in 2 weeks.

Laura:*Gets a paper & Pen*{Why are we moving all the way to New Jersey?}

Sofia:*Reads the paper & Then Looks at Laura*Well working in Burger King isnt gonna get us alot of money,especially living with a teenager like you.

Laura:*Starts writing down*{What about my parents house?We cant just sell it}

Sofia:*Reads the paper & Sighs*I'm sorry sweety.But we have to.*Gets up & Leaves*

Laura:*Crying into her pillow*

------------------------------------------------The Next Day----------------------------------

Laura:*Putting her books in her locker*


Laura:*Turns around & Fake smiles*

????:I didnt know you were in the same school as me.

Laura:*Mouths*Me neither.

????:Well I'm glad you are *Smiles At Her*

Laura:*Blushes a bit*(Is it me or Am I falling for my new neighbor Noah?Well he is cute & He's sooooooo sweet.I guess I should get to know him better)

Ross:*Walking with his friends & Sees Noah talking to Laura*Um,I'll catch you guys later.

Riker:Alright bro *Leaves with the others*

Noah:So Laura,there's something I wanted to tell you.



Laura,Noah:*Looks at Ross*

Ross:I left my red shirt at your house.Make sure you wash it.Oh & By the way,Loved what happened last night *Winks at her & Leaves*

Laura:*Confused*(What The freak is he talking about?! Is he talking about the kiss he gave me on the cheek or something?)

Noah:Um you know what,Nevermind.See you later Laura *Leaves*

Laura:*Mad*(Ughhhh Lynch just ruined my chance in getting a actual boyfriend)

Ross:*Walks up to Laura,Smiling*Hey,where did Brown hair guy go?

Laura:*Glares at him*

Ross:Ok Ok,i know you're mad but i did it because I wanted to tell you something too & I didnt want him to ask you before I do.


Ross:Do you wanna go out afterschool?

Laura:(Go out?!! As in me,him going out???)*Nods her head*

Ross:Cool,Meet me at your locker after everyone leaves the school.*Winks at her & Leaves*

Laura:*Smiles thinking about Ross & Walks to her next class*


Laura:*Waiting for Ross at her locker*(Ughh Everyone left like 20 minutes ago & Ross hasnt come yet.I knew it was too good to be true.)*Closes her locker & Walks outside*


Victoria,Jessica,Raini,Calum,Tony:*Starts throwing balloons with red paint in them*

Laura:*Covered up in Red Paint,With tears in her eyes*

Victoria:I cant believe you actually though my boyfriend Ross,The most popular guy in the whole school would actually go out with you.You're just a freak *Laughing*

Laura:*Looks at Ross with teary eyes*


Laura:*Walks away,Crying*

Laura's P.O.V:

I ran & Ran until i got to the park.Wow this park was very special to me.Me & Vanessa would always hang out here,writing songs & Sing.We were usually sit under the big tree I'm sitting at right now.I really miss her as much as I miss my parents.I just cant help but cry all the time.

????:Hey are you ok?

Laura:*Looks up & Sees ???,Nods*

Avan:I'm Avan.You must be Laura,We have Earth Science together.

Laura:*Gets a piece of paper from her backpack & Writes down*{Oh I never knew that.Anyways,I'm fine so no worries}

Avan:*Reads the paper*Oh so it's true.You dont talk.

Laura:*Writes down*{Not for one year i havent}

Avana:*Reads the paper*Oh*Looks at Laura's clothes*Woah,why are you cover up in Red paint?


Avan:Well i dont know about you,but if i was covered up in red paint I wouldnt want anyone to see me.My house is like 3 blocks away from here.Maybe my sister can lend you some clothes & We can get you clean up.

Laura:(I want to say no but he's right.I dont want anyone to see me like this.I guess I could accept)*Nods her head & Mouths*Thank you

Avan:No probelm.Let's go *Starts walking*

Laura:(I never seen Avan before but He seems sweet.Well nicer than Ross & All the populars.I guess you really Cant trust no one anymore.But i just dont get why Ross mouth Sorry to me.Was this one of Victoria's plans?Whatever,In 2 weeks I'll be out of this place & I wouldnt see any of them anymore but I'm gonna miss this place though)

TBC EP 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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