Love is Quirky (Ch. 2: Girl's Night)

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"Are you ready?" you asked the floating pajamas in front of you.

"Yes!" Hagakure bounced around excitedly.

The girls had gathered in the common room which was now clear of all the boys, thanks to Mina who threatened to chemically burn them if they didn't give up the space for girl's night.

Mina, Tsu, Uraraka, Momo, and Jiro were curled up on the couches, eating cookies and watching intently as you and Hagakure stood in the center.

"Alright, here goes nothing..." you said, activating your quirk.

"Awww! Oh my gosh!" the invisible girl gasped. She moved her body as if she was looking around the room.

"What is it? What's she seeing?" Uraraka asked, her mouth full of cookies. She whipped her head around as if she would also be able to see what Hagakure was seeing.

"I don't know," you shrugged. "I can't see what my quirk shows other people, which is a downside. But when I'm fighting, I usually show my opponents their worst fear, which can debilitate them. Then, while they're distracted, I take them down. I can also use context clues from how people react to figure it out. For example, it seems like by her body language, Hagakure is seeing a different environment." you explained.

The girls hung on your every word, enthralled with the situation playing out in front of them.

"Yes, you're right!" Hagakure said. "I'm seeing the place that my family used to camp at every year growing up. Every detail is just as I remember it!"

"That's because my quirk is using your own memories to create the image," you smiled and continued to explain.

"I've been feeling so homesick lately," Hagakure said softly.

You nodded. "That's probably why you're seeing what you're seeing."

"Wow, Y/N, I had no idea of the extent of your quirk!" Momo said, complimenting you.

"That is definitely useful when going up against villains, because the experience would be so personal, ribbit." Tsu added.

"Yeah, it would definitely catch them off guard. How come you don't use it during training?" Jiro asked.

"The reactions I've gotten from people when I use the fear side of my quirk are so horrible that I would never ever use it on any of you. I used to not be able to control what it shows you at all, which is why I was hesitant to use it. But, I've been training with it a lot. That's why during training I mostly focus on improving my combat skills and I don't use it on you guys."

The girls nodded silently, taking in your every word.

"Is that why you mostly trained with Mr. Aizawa in the beginning of the year?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes. If he saw anything scary happening he would be able to erase my quirk and turn it off. I've been practicing really hard to be able to control which side of my quirk gets activated. Also, Mr. Aizawa thinks that with enough training I might actually be able to have even more control over what my quirk shows people! That means I would be able to control if I show you a location, a person, or something else like that."

Hagakure was now walking throughout the room, still amazed at the scene before her. She started bumping into a few things, so you thought it was time to turn it off.

"Hagakure," you called out. "I'm going to turn it off now, so brace yourself."

Once she was back in the "real" environment, Hagakure plopped herself down on the couch and began munching on a cookie.

"That was amazing, Y/N!" she gushed.

"Ooh me next!" Mina shot her arm up in the air.

You chuckled. "Alright, I guess it's only fair if everyone gets to try."

Mina squealed in excitement as she went to go stand in the middle of the room.

"Ready?" you asked her. She nodded her head, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, here it goes!" you smiled back at her.

Mina gasped. "Y/N!"

"What are you seeing, Mina?" Tsu asked.

"I blinked and Y/N suddenly turned into my grandma! Oh, I haven't seen her in months. She is my absolute favorite person in the world." Mina sighed.

Of course, to the rest of the girls, you had not changed appearance at all.

"You know what?" you asked. "After tonight, I feel like I have enough control over my quirk to at least use this side of it during training!"

You smiled as the girls encouraged you.

"Hey Y/N?" Tsu turned to look at you. "Can you use your quirk on yourself?"

"No," you sighed, deactivating your quirk. "Unfortunately I have to look at the person I want to use it on in order for it to work."

"It worked on Hagakure though and you can't see her!" Mina pointed out.

You laughed. "Yes, but with her clothes on I can still see her body so I know where she is."

The girls went quiet in thought.

"But...what if you looked in the mirror?" Tsu thought out loud.

This was something you hadn't thought of before. You stared wide eyed at your friend, feeling quite dumb.

"Oh my gosh, Tsu! You are a genius. I can't believe I've gone my whole life without thinking about that!" you said, facepalming yourself. "That's so embarrassing."

"I can't believe you've never tried to use your quirk on yourself!" Momo laughed.

"Let's try it!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"I'm not sure if it will work," you said, but the thought of using your quirk on yourself for the first time was too enticing. "It's worth a try though!"

You all gathered in the bathroom, squeezed in front of the mirror.

"Okay, here it goes..." you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.

You opened your eyes and looked around. You could see that you were still in the bathroom and could still see all the girls. So your environment didn't change and neither did any of the people around you. Did it not work?

Then you glanced in the mirror and got startled.

"Shoji! What are you doing in here?! You startled me-" you cut yourself off mid sentence. The girls jumped and looked behind them for Shoji but he wasn't there.

You looked back at the mirror only to find the reflection of Shoji mouthing every word you were saying, behind his mask of course. Every move you made, he made. You raised your arm, and he raised his.

"No way..." you whispered, your face suddenly becoming very hot.

"You see...Shoji?" Uraraka whispered.

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