Chapter 7 - Surprise

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Three days.....three days Damon and I have been staying with my brother and his new family. Klaus has been more than happy to share what I have missed in the last eight years; he had found himself a wife, Lucille who was a werewolf,  and had two more children, Camille and Merida, and had one on the way, gender and name unknown.

In fact, this whole town was full of werewolves, some who have turned and some who have not, and witches, not many but definitely enough to have a coven and their own section in the cemetery.

The one thing that Klaus has been reluctant in sharing is anything about the hollow, the one thing keeping him from Hope. I know it pains him, I can see it in his eyes anytime I bring it up.

I was watching the girls while Luci went off to the midwife with Klaus. Camille was upstairs in her room and I had Addison down here in the living room where I could keep an eye on her while I made them lunch.

"Camille, time to eat" I called out loudly as I shuffled around the island and picked up Addison.  I heard Camille giggle as I got closer to the stairs. Icame around the stairs and saw Camille  coming down the stairs towards me. Both of the girls took a quick liking to me, probably because according to Lucille, when Klaus told bedtime stories it was all about this family. These girls knew about me before I knew about them.

What happened next was in slow motion, I heard the door being kicked in and then I felt a piercing pain in my upper right shoulder. I gave a scream before I threw up a protective shield over me and the girls. I looked towards my shoulder and saw a small six inch wooden stake in me. I gave another scream as I ripped the stake out of me. I turn quickly to see two women standing at the door. One had long hair with olive skin, the other dark skin with short, black hair. They were standing right at the door, but not moving any closer. They were vampires.

When we first arrived, Lucille had to invite Damon in. I'm guessing these vampires did not have any invitation.

Damon appeared suddenly beside me, looking ready to fight, but he stumbled in his step as he saw who was at the door.

"Elena?" he whispered.

"Hello Damon," the one with brown hair responded.

"Elena Gilbert? That Elena?" I questioned. I thought she had died along with Stefan, Damon's brother. I don't keep tabs on everyone, but Elena was the doppelganger. I have watched over the doppelganger for the last hundreds of years.

"Surprised?," Elena questioned as she smiled.

"Who's your friend?" Damon responds slowly. He was trying to avoid her question.

"Aya, I'm the leader of a vampire organization called the Strix." The dark skinned woman stated as she smiled towards us.

"You need to leave. You have no business here." I told Elena and Aya recognizing the name of the organization. An organization that was founded by Elijah Mikealson himself during the middle ages meant for protection, family and integrity but has since become an organization that wants nothing but power and fortune.

"We want the children of the Hybrid," Aya calmly stated.

"Leave, or I will have no option but to kill you" I told them. I shot a glance towards Damon but I think he was still surprised to see Elena.

"A human does not scare me," Aya responded.

"Good thing I am not a human," I simply stated before I flung my hand up slightly causing aneurysms in both Aya and Elena's brain. They both fell to the floor groaning in pain. I flung my hand to the right and snapped both of their necks.

Addison was crying and Camille was hanging onto my leg. I started to shoosh Addison when Damon walked over.

"I thought she died." His voice was barely a whisper. I looked up at Damon and saw the pain in his face.

"I thought she died...," was all  I heard him say before I blinked and he was gone. I looked down to the two crying girls and tried my best to comfort them while I tried to place my feelings.

Everyone heard the great love story of the Dopplerhangers, how they were always drawn together. It was no surprise to see Stefan and Elena paths lead them to one another. What really surprised the witches was when Elena chose a guy she wasn't fated to be with. Damon loved her, he burned for her. He would do anything for her, including killing people. Him and Elena together seemed more like fate then Stefan and Elena ever did.

I grabbed the phone Klaus gave me not too long after I got here calling the only number I had saved.

"Sister" came the quick response.

"I have a problem" I simply stated looking at the two vampire lying on the porch.


I must say Klaus was surprisingly efficient. About 15 minutes after I hung up the phone, Aya and Elena were gone and there were now six hybrids walking the property. A call was already made to Hayley to info her about the situation, seeing how they specifically said they were after Klaus's children.   What Klaus did with Aya and Elena, I have no idea, but I do know he favors torture to get information.

Damon has yet to return from wherever he went so I tried to keep myself busy trying to get any idea why they were after Klaus's daughters.

Aya, I have crossed paths with once before, a long time ago. She was currently the leader of the Strix, as Elijah had stepped down almost a century ago. She was a very old vampire, and seeing that Elena was with her could mean that Elena has joined the Strix.

Things were just getting worse. If Damon thought Elena was dead then who knows where she has been all this time. Especially if it involves the Strix, a group dead set on killing Klaus and his entire sired line; not including that Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah all have some part of the Hollow in them which could lead to a lot of power.

No wonder the witches decided to bring me back, they saw all the events unfolding and needed someone to deal with it. That someone being me. I sighed as I rubbed my left temple, I was starting to get a stress headache. Something I haven't had in a long time. 

A ding caused me to jump before I remembered it was my phone. I pulled it out to see a text from Klaus.

*Meet me at 260 S. Junction. Unit 34*

Klaus must have gotten something useful out of Aya or Elena. He does work fast, I'll give him credit. A quick conversation with one of the hybrids and I was on my way to meet up with Klaus.

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