Chapter 6 - North Dakota

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The next morning I was up before the sun even rose, so I was already downstairs when Hope and Hayley came down around 8am.

"Aunt Erikah!" Hope exclaimed happily as she ran towards the table.
"Good Morning, breakfast will be ready soon." Hayley told me as she sat opposite the table of me.

"The cook makes me breakfast every morning at 8 am" Hope told me as she took the seat right next to me on my left.

"He does? Wow." I told her as I gave her a smile.

"I like to give Hope a schedule, it tends to keep her calmer, less stressed," Hayley seemed to choose her words carefully.

"Calmer?" I questioned.

"Mommy worries about my powers" Hope exclaimed as she began to play with the doll she brought to the table.

"Oh, does she?" I responded to Hope as I glanced at Hayley. "Maybe I can help?" I told Hope. Hope smiled and nodded. I grabbed the bracelet that was on my wrist, it was a bracelet given to me by one of the many witches I mentored throughout the years. I took the bracelet off my wrist and tied it around Hope's wrist. I didn't even have to mutter the spell out loud, since I was a full blooded witch my mere thoughts made things happen. I thought about the protection spell and I could feel the energy flow into the bracelet. This bracelet was something I picked up while me and Damon were visiting Alex at my old house in Maine. Something that I haven't worn in a while or needed.

"This bracelet will help with those emotions until you go through training" I told Hope as I looked at Hayley who was nodding her head.

"Good morning she-wolf and mini she-wolf" Damon's voice startled me. I nearly jumped out of my seat, not having the vampire hearing was still new. "Erikah" he continued, winking when he saw me meet his gaze.

"Damon, perfect, now I can explain what has been happening with Rebekah, Elijah, and Klaus." Hayley told us as, what I would assume would be the cook, entered the room with plates of food. The cook was a small woman who had dark hair but she was fast, quick. She was a vampire.

Hope started digging into her pancakes while Hayley continued on "About a year after Dahlia and that whole fiasco, we discovered this force called The Hollow. The Hollow was coming after Hope and there was only one way we could find to make sure it didn't get her. We put a piece of The Hollow in each of them, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. However, if they come near each other The Hollow will be able to break out and come after Hope again. So they all have to stay separate for Hope's sake. They each take a turn one month a year visiting her. Rebekah has this month and in 3 months, in August, Klaus will come and visit. Then Elijah"

"So, when Klaus and Elijah aren't here in New Orleans, where are they?" I asked as Damon came over and sat in the chair to the right of me.

"Elijah spends his time moving between Russia and Germany while Klaus lives in North Dakota, in some small wolf town." Hayley told me as she began eating her pancakes. I looked down and began eating my own pancakes.

"The Hollow......I know I have heard that before. Let me ask the ancestors and consult some grimoires. I'll be more than happy to look into it. " I told Hayley in between bites of food.

"Erikah, remember what happened last time? Please don't give your life away this time," Damon's soft voice caused me to look toward him.  I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Damon, relax, I am just asking around, seeing what I can find, I can't guarantee anything but  Klaus should be with his daughter if I can find a way to fix the situation." I told him trying to calm his nerves. I would give everything for my family but I already died once.

"Here is my brothers address, just tell him that I hope he isn't causing too much trouble." Rebakah's voice drifted from the doorway. In her hands was a piece of paper which I assumed was Klaus's address. "Now, Elijah on the other hand, you might just have to call. He is a little hard to get ahold of" Rebekah continued walking over and handing me the paper.

"Another road trip?" Damon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, grab you things Damon, we are leaving in 10 minutes," I said to him as I stood up, kissed Hope on the forehead and ran up the stairs to the room to gather the things that Hayley let us borrow. She even lent us a bag. She was much more prepared for our 'road trip' then we were.

Ten minutes later I was standing out the compound holding my bag watching as Damon sauntered up.

"Well, someone is happy," Damon told me.

"Family makes me happy," I replied as I grabbed his hand. "Now, close your eyes and hold on tight" He chuckled but did what I told him to do.

I let the energy flow through me as I thought of the spell to travel and my brother's address. In a blink of an eye we were surrounded by miles and miles of pine trees and a hand full of house. I looked up and saw the house we were in front of. It looked like an old Victorian house with white side paneling and a huge wrap around porch, definitely my brother's style.

"Here, let me hold the bag," Damon told me as he grabbed the bag out of my hand. I nodded as I walked up to the house and took a deep breath before knocking on the big wooden door.

A couple seconds later the door open revealing a young woman with long orange hair and a thousand freckles dancing across her face. Her blue eyes shine as she smiled at me holding a little girl that looked like she was about two years old. The child had the same matching hair and eyes as her mother. Wrapped around the mother's leg was another little girl, she was older, probably around four or five with the same matching hair and eyes. I also noticed that the woman appeared to be very pregnant, almost as pregnant as Trudie.

"Can I help you?" The woman's soft voice asked me.

"Oh... uh I'm sorry. I was looking for my brother, Klaus Mikaelson, I must have the wrong house," I told the young mother.

"Hello, dear sister, you indeed have the right house" a gruff voice I recognized as Klaus's voice came from inside the house as he stepped into view.

"Daddy" , the little girl that was wrapped around the mother's leg , called out as she detached from her mother and grabbed Klaus's leg.

"Princess" Klaus responded.

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