Chapter 5- Damon

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"Right, I'm sure," Reekah retorted. "Damon..?"

"Rebekah, this is really Erikah," Damon assured her. I know why he was being cautious. I mean Rebekah was an original vampire and could kill him easily.......and me too.

"I don't know what you are trying to pull, Salvatore, but i'm not buying it," She responded, not even taking a moment to think. "My sister, Erikah, is dead.," Rebekah continued as she pointed towards the right wall. My head snapped and saw an amazingly drawn portrait of myself with the words in remembrance engraved on the plaque along the bottom.

"I don't know who the bloody hell you are but  be glad that he pulled you out of the way," Rebekah told me, turning her attention back to me.

"Rebekah, it's her" A familiar voice came from up top the stairs that were on the left side. I looked up to see who it was and gave a small smile. I wasn't a big fan of hers 8 years ago, but now as she is saving me from my own sister, I do like her a little more.

"Well, hello Hayley," I nodded towards her.

"Erikah...Damon." Hayley nodded towards Damon and I.

"What's up little she-wolf?" Damon asked her.

"Great, another bloody relative that comes back from the dead. Is it just a thing with us Mikaelsons?" Rebekah muttered as roll her eyes and went to sit on the couch next to Hope.

"Rebekah, be nice," Hayley scolded as she moved down the staircase.

"Is Klaus or Elijah around or...." I began to ask and trailed off when I noticed Rebekah and Hayley exchanged a look.

"It is Aunty Bex's turn to be here," Hope's soft voice filled the awkward silence.

"What?" I was confused. What did Hope mean that it was Rebekah's turn to be here?

"Well that's a long story. Why don't you guys crash here for the night and I will explain everything, and maybe you can explain how you are magically back from the dead?" Hayley interrupted Hope as she opened her mouth to speak. I was confused and concerned as to what Hayley was hiding. But, Hayley was right, a nice shower and a comfy bed sounded great right now. Traveling, even with magic, seemed to drain a lot out of you.

"I could use some sleep" I gave Hayley a small smile. Needing sleep was a foreign concept, I went years without sleeping as a vampire, I had too. The ancestors wanted to be assured that my power was at full potential and that I was the strongest witch alive. No point in having me on your team if I wasn't the best or so that's how the ancestors thought. Especially since I was half vampire half witch, I was at a disadvantage from other witches.

"I'll show you to the guest quarters and we will talk tomorrow morning over breakfast." Hayley replied as she turned, her long brown hair falling over her shoulder, and walked back towards the staircase she came from. I followed quickly and I could even hear Damon's footsteps follow softly behind me.

"Goodnight Aunt Erikah," Hope soft voice carried to my ears as I climbed the stairs behind Hayley.

"Goodnight Hope" I told her as I turned and waved at Hope. I could see Rebakah staring at me with an intense look and I could tell by the way she was sitting next to Hope that she was in protective mode.

Once we reached the top of the staircase Hayley took a sharp left turn and led us down a short hallway. I only have been at the Mikaelson estate in New Orleans once many years ago and I didn't really remember much of the interior. The whole place was decorated with what looked like old artifacts that my family has gathered over the last one thousand years. Who knew my family was a collector of the arts and history?

Hayley stopped at the end of the Halley where there was a group of 6 doors.

"Whichever room you would like is yours" she told us as she motioned behind her. I smiled at her, and then my stomach started to rumble. I also looked at my clothes and realized that I didn't bring any other clothes nor did Damon.

"Umm..." I started but Hayley interrupted me. "You can have whatever you need. Clothes, food, anything."

"She- wolf does play nice, hmmm" Damon muttered to himself

"Erikah, I may not be the biggest fan of you and last time I wasn't nice but you saved my daughter, and she is everything to me." Hayley explained. I smiled at the thought, Hayley values family a lot like my family, over everything.

"I will order a pizza and bring up some clothes," Hyaley told us as she walked away.

"So which room do we want?" Damon asked as he began to open doors to check out the rooms. I chuckled and shook my head.

"You want to pick or should I?" Damon continued.
"Damon, I am going to take this room," I told him as I went to the first door on the right.

"A random choice? I love it, let's go." Damon started towards the room. I step into his path.

"I will be in this room, you can sleep next door." I said to him. His face faltered a bit.

"Ah, I see. You want to keep it rated PG" Damon joked with me.

"Damon, I have been alive for 2 days. I know there are these feelings between us but I need some space," I told him.

"Space!? You have 8 years of space when you were dead!" He told me as he got more and more anger. I could see the hurt flash across his eyes. I had no words for him and he just stood there waiting for me to say something, but I had nothing to tell him, my death apparently has hurt a lot more people than I have realized.

"Damon, we barely know each other," my voice was barely above a whisper.

"Erikah, I love you. This is not something that I have ever felt with anyone. I thought I did with Katherine and Elena. I mean I would move mountains for them, and I did, because I thought I loved them. When I met you there was this electricity, this spark that overwhelmed me and when you died my world came crashing down; the world became darker, blood lost it's satisfaction, and I could feel my heart hurting even though I am a vampire. When I went back to Mystic Falls I realized that the spark I felt with you was not there with Elena, that it was never there. I may have moved mountains for Katherine and Elena but I would move this whole world for you. I am drawn to you." As he said those final words he gently pushed me against the wall and brought his lips to mine. As soon as I felt his lips touch mine, my whole body felt like it had electricity shooting through it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer. I could feel the goosebumps on my arms.

He pulled away and I just stared into his dark eyes as he smiled at me. I haven't kissed anyone since my late husband and that was a thousand years ago.

"What were you saying about space?" Damon smirked at me.

I just smiled back at him, grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the room behind me and shut the door.

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