Mhkey guys I suck at writing headings but eh 🤷I donut care
Çärry õñ réãdìñg 👻👻👻Han~
Why can't I stop thinking of what happened this morning... I didn't mean to almost kiss him or did i-
"Hey Han are you gonna keep day dreaming or are you gonna come and shoot your part of the MV?"
Chan Hyung says as he pinches my arm sending back to reality
"Hey you ok?"
"No actually I'm not hyung"
"Why?... Oh is it because of this morning?"
I just nodd and start walking to our seperate dressing rooms and as I enter mine with Chan hyung not far behind and he closes the door once we get in
"I'm sorry if I made that moment awkward for you and Lee Know"
"No it's fine Hyung, I didn't know what the hell was happening before you entered"
"Oh okay so if I didn't enter you would have kissed Lee Know right?"
"I knew it... You like him"
I turn bright red and look at him with wide eyes
"H-how did you-"
"I heard"
And that's when I thought... Huh? How because the only people who know are.. the rest of the Maknae Line, urgh I swear to God where I find Felix, he dies
"From who?"
"That doesn't matter right now... Wait I have to tell someone to come here real quick ok?"
I am confused as hell right now, who is Chan hyung going to call?-

♡Same Old Love♡
Fanfiction[Completed] There was an accident with Hans parents back in Incheon and sadly did not survive so Han keeps getting flashbacks on how his patents loved each other and would do anything for each other and quickly came to realisation that his and Minho...