🔹ɖaʏ ɖʀɛaʍɨռɢ ʍʊċɦ ?🔹(22)

31 2 0


×End of Flashback×

Oh how I miss my parents and when I was young ugh just wish I could go back in time and


I am cut out of my trans by my sister


"You spaced out...what were you thinking about?"

"Mhh? Oh ahh.."

"When your done moaning can you please tell me what you were spaced out about okay"

"Urgb I was just...I was thinking about Mom and Dad..."

"Oh..Just also makes me think of how Dad used to always make me mom,you and hyuck laugh so hard on family fishing day"

"Oh right remember when we laughed so hard the milk we were drinking came out our nose and we were literally rolling on the floor after he did that dance"

"Yeah! And when we literally rolled over into lake!"

"Oh my- and the water was so cold"

"And a fish literally fell out of your fishing pants and you Jumped so high we swore you toached a plane that was going by"

"Oh stop Yeon your overreacting and it was a bird okay and your embarrassing MD in front of my- uh never mind"


"In front of your what! Hannie spill!!"

Why did I ...oh dear god..she can't know I'm gay..but I can't keep that kind of secret from her..

"I'll tell you when we get home okay..."



[3rd person POV]

"Ahh finally home!"Jisung says as he almost kissed the floor but Minho stopped him

"Hey thats dirty! Plus im the only one who gets to kiss you~"

"Oh really..now let's go in I want to go see my grandmother!"

Jisung says as he literly drops his bag for Minho totake in and rushing in to see his grandmother

"Aish..this kid.."Minho says to himself as he picks the bags Han threw on the ground and walked in too

[ Han & Grandma]

Han runs in to find his grandmother sitting on her favourite chair in the living room looking out the balcony and out at the green grass that has tones of beautiful flowers

"Grandma?" Han days quietly to make sure that he doesn't scare his grandmaother into a heart attack but His grandmother shoots her head towards Han and her face brightens up and so she gets up and hugs Han really tightly

"Oh our dear Hannie is back!! "

"Yes Grandma I'm back but I think I'll be gone if you keep squeezing the hair out of me"

"Oh" His grandmother said as she gets off Han and places her hands on Hans cheek

"Look how bug you've grown...How's ...what us this thing..."

"Stray Kids? "

"Ah yes! How is it? No ones treating you badly right?"

"No no...everyone is nice, every one is really really nice.."

Hans sys the last part as his eye catches Lee Know behind him and they smile at each other but totally forgot that Grandma is still watching and so she smirks to herself and pinches Han and so he breaks his stare at Lee know to her and so Lee Know walks away following Yeon

"Ouch grandma that hurt!"

" oh don't 'Ouch grandma that hurt' me... Who was that?"

"Uh...thats...Lee..Lee Know"

"Lee know!? Thats not a Korean name!?"

"Uh no sorry, Lee Minho...Lee know is just his stage name, sorry sorry we just usually call him Lee know.."

Han unoticingly blushing and his grandmother can see it

"You like him don't you?"

"Grandma!! I'm -"

"Ohhhhh stop it Jisung do you I look five to you! I'm very old my boy and I know all about this so don't even try to hide it plus you two look cute together..."

"Who looks cute together" Yeon unexpectadly asking as she walks in with Lee know Han right now is silently panicking because they don't know he is gay and it totally showing how nervous he is

"Oh just him and him..What's your name again?" Hans grandmother asks Lee know

"Lee Min-"

"Ah Minho right now come help me here, you can come back to your Hannie later" she says as she pulls Lee know away

'Dang for a very short old woman she is damn strong and did she just say your Hannie?'

"Oh my gosh Grandma stop it.."

Han literally turning red and watched them walk away but his face slowly turned from them to Yeon standing there hella confused

"What did she mean by that?" She says laughing while she sits down and Han tries to calm himself down

"Wait...now I know!" Yeon says as she jumps up " Your Gay!?.." And Han literally about to faint right now "y-yes" Yeons face is in shock right now and then out of nowhere

"Omg omg omg omg omg omg thats...great!!! I'm so excited!!! Oh my god !- I knew it! But how wouldn't I I'm a genuis like really intelligent-"

"Right right wheres Hyuck? Is he in his room, of course he is in his room, I'll talk to later okay okay? Bye"

And with that Han was out the living room and already up the stairs leaving Yeon still blabbering

[Lee know]

"So you are also in this ...in this..what was it again?"

"Stray kids.."

"Ah right yes that, woo people get old, so..."

So what?

"Soo I saw something between you and my Hannie... What is happening with you two?"

Shit...panic.... What must I say now!? What if she doesn't like the thought of her grandson dating a guy

"Hello? " she says while she literally hit me in the head with her walking stick


"Are you son? You blacked out I thought you were having a heart attack because you look constipated..." She says as she puts it down and gets back to the plates and pots

"And I ask again, are you with my grandson?"


She puts everything down and walks to me and I step back thinking she is going to hit me again and do she laughs

"Haha you funny boy, I'm not going to hit you.. Its okay..its okay, now do you want to take a walk?"

She asks me and so I nervously nodd not knowing why she wants to..maybe to kill me..

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