🔹һʏuňɢ pt 2🔹(7)

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As I was about to enter my room I got a text from Chan

Channie 💖 hyung
Hey could you come over
to Hans dressing room
Real quick?

Lee Know 🐈
Uhm.. why? Oh god
Please don't tell me you
Couldn't keep your mouth shut

Channie 💖 hyung
Ugh could you just
Come here!

Lee know 🐈
Ugh fine.. I'm coming

I put my phone in my pocket and I head to Hans dressing room hoping Chan did not fuck up like he always does and told Han I liked him

I head for Hans dressing room and I bumped into Changbin and Hyunjin

"Hey! We've been looking for you!"Changbin says as he pulls me aside

"What? Why?"

"Your stylist has been looking for you! She needs to get you into your outfit and make up!"Hyunjin says as he tries to pull me

"W-wait... I have.. t-to go...to..."

I break free from his grip and start running but I turned to...

"Oh and tell her I ..... I... Uhm have to go to the.... Toilet! Yeah there! I will .... Be there in five ohk"

And I ran!

____meanwhile with han___

"Ugh what's taking him so long.."

Chan says under his breath thinking that Han did not hear him but he thought wrong

"What's taking who so long Hyung?"

"Uhh....some one... don't worry about that... You go and change into your outfit and I'll wait for you outside since your make up is already done"

Chan shoos Han into his changing closet and closes the door

____back to Lee Know____

I was running for long now , maybe because I am outside and the dressing rooms are literally on the other side of the building, ugh why do they have to make me exercise

When I got there I saw Chan standing outside Hans door and I slowly walk up to him cause I am tired from running

"Hey so what happened? And did he freak out and now he hates me"

"Ack no, just knock and go in, I think he needs to get something off his chest"Chansays as he parts my back and slowly walks off and starts running cause he has a scene to shoot

I am left there thinking that maybe Han knows about my feelings towards him

And as I raise my hand to knock it is pulled away by.... I dunno

"Yah Minho! I have been looking for you! I thought you were lost or stolen for that matter!"

It's was the producer and I gasped not knowing if I was gonna get scoulded or slapped for that matter cause I kept dodging them

",AND YAH! You haven't changed yet! Oh dear go change quickly!! Now now hurry"

I bow and started walking as fast as I could to the next door two doors down which was my dressing room in total fear cause JYP staff is some times very scarey and serious

And as I open the door I see my stylist standing there tapping her foot on the floor Really hard and I hesitate to say anything so I just go to my chair and sit and let her do her job


"Huh? What was all that noise?"

I question myself as I open the door and look out to see who was making the noise


but I see no one so I just leave and head to where I am supposed to be right now...

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