Chapter 4- The Change

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Recap: A few days later, and it was the full moon. All 6 of us went to these deserted woods. "Okay, Lexi... are you ready? Because in about 5 minutes you're going to go through pain worse than child birth." I just kind of looked at Liam and ran to Zayn and hugged him. They all held me down on the ground as I started to change. I was screaming to the top of my lungs as I felt, and heard every bone in my body shaping into the new me... the wolf me.


The wind blowing through my fur, it felt amazing. I was running alongside Zayn, he's such a beautiful wolf. Louis is an auburn wolf with deep blue eyes, Liam is a dark brown wolf with milky chocolate eyes, Niall is a white wolf with blue eyes, he was just beautiful, and Harry, he's a brown wolf with green eyes. We were running through the forest when I saw a puddle, I looked in it. I am a brown and black wolf with blue eyes. I was looking at my reflection as the boys ran passed me, Zayn stopped and nudged me, and I ran with them again.

Being a wolf is more amazing than I thought, I feel so free and I love it, I don't think that I ever want to go home again. We found some deer and chased them, I felt kind of bad as I ripped them to shreds, but I was hungry and I can't help what I am. When we were done eating, Zayn licked my snout, getting off the blood I assumed. We went back to running and found a hill and looked up at the moon. We howled as loud as we could... and on the inside I was laughing with joy.

We raced eachother seeing who was fastest, and I was the one who ran won. We finally laid down in a field that we found, we were panting from all the running and tired. I laid on Zayn and we all fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning and stood up. I looked around and saw all the boys laying there naked, I closed my eyes, "Oh, god," I whispered to myself. I looked down and saw that I too was naked. I bent down to wake Zayn up. "Yeah babe?" He said with a groggy voice, "You didn't tell me I would be naked Zayn!" I whisper yelled at him, "Well goodmorning to you Lexi!" I heard Harry say... he sounded excited, it was probably because I was naked. I turned around to look at him, and his eyes moved down to my breasts, "Styles! up here!" I yelled at him and he blushed. Zayn stood up and handed me some extra clothes he brought.

We changed into our clothes and headed to the car to go home. As we got in the car, Harry got in the driver seat and Louis sat in the front, and the rest of us sat in the back. "What did you think?" Zayn asked, I looked at him and smiled, "That was probably about the best experience in my life, I felt so free and I loved it, besides that fact that my whole body hurts right now!" Zayn started laughing at me because of how excited I was.

When we got home, everyone got their showers, but I laid on the bed thinking about my experience as a wolf. I have never felt more in place in my life, I feel like I'm meant to be a wolf, just like I feel like I'm meant to be with Zayn. I smiled at the thought of him. I walked into the bathroom where he was talking a shower and got in with him. "Hey babe," I said, and  kissed him, "Decide to join me?" He winked and slapped my bum. "Well yes, because you were taking forever, and I really need a shower." I lied, I really just wanted to be with him, and feel his skin against mine. He put his mouth to my ear and whispered, "I love you, never forget that." He leaned back away from me, "I love you too," I said... I could never get tired of saying that.

Zayn got out of the shower and left me to wash up. I was thinking about everything that's happened in the past few weeks, and I remembered Marissa, "Shit," I whispered to myself. I finished washing up and got dressed. I went over to the computer and got on skype, good Marissa is on. I video called her and she answered. "Hey babes I miss you!!" I yelled, "I miss you too Lexi!" We just looked at each other for a few minutes. "Is it just me, or have you gotten even more beautiful? And how is it with you and Zayn? How's Niall I really Miss Him" Can yo-" "One question at a time Marissa!" I satarted laughing at her, "Sorry." 

We talked for hours about her school, and how the boys are doing, Niall came in and talked to her for a while. I know that they're in love, his eyes sparkled again when they talked. When Niall left Marissa, looked sad again. "I'm in love with Niall, and it sucks he's in a famous boyband, I can never see him!" She started to cry. "I'm so sorry Mar, I promise I will start skyping you more often and let you see Niall, ok?" She looked at me with a smile on her face. "It's not as good as the real thing, but atleast I'll get to see him. But I have to go, I have a big test tomorrow and I need to study, love you Lex, skype me tomorrow!" "Love you too and will do!" She ended the call and I went in the living room to talk to the boys. 

They were all sitting around on the couch, "When are we leaving this place?" I asked them, "Actually we're leaving tomorrow to go to London," Liam said. I got really excited and started jumping up and down and jumped on the couch. "Why are you so excited?" Harry asked, "Because! I hzven't been to London in like 10 years, I miss it there!" He just looked at me as I screamed at him, then they all burst into fits of laughter. I laid on Zayn on the couch, and smiled up at him, he leaned down and kissed me, "I love you," I love you too, I said." That's the last thing I remembered as I dozed off.


Okkay, So I didn't know how to end this one, so here is chapter 4, I hope you guys like it! (:

The gif on the side is Lexi's wolf howling at the moon. :D

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