Chapter 7- My Guilty Pleasure

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Recap: The boys and I were playing around when Harry started to tickle me. I jumped in his lap and he leaned in and kissed me. There were so many sparks, it was like fireworks were going off in my body. I pulled away and looked at him in shock, "What the fuck Harry!!" I slapped him in the face and looked at Zayn. I got up and ran into the room. I laid there listening to Zayn and Harry fighting. 

Zayn could kill Harry for all I cared. As I said that to myself my wolf mentally slapped me. She was creaming out 'mate' but I didn't listen because I knew that Zayn was my mate, and nothing could change that.


Zayn walked into the room, and laid down beside me, he turned and looked at me, "Lexi... did you feel anything when you kissed Harry?" I did, but I don't want to tell him, because I truly love him and I don't want him to leave me because I did, "No, why do you ask?" I lied, and I felt bad about it. "I was just wondering... I love you," he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss turned more passionate, and the kiss turned into sex... no, we weren't having sex, we were making love.


When we were finished, I layed in his arms and started to cry. "Lexi, what's wrong?" He asked, "Zayn, I want you to know that I love you, and only you. I'm saying this because I did feel something when I kissed Harry, but I don't love him Zayn I love you," I started to sob harder, "I didn't want to tell you that when you asked because I thought you would break up with me." He grabbed me and kissed me. "I love you Lexi, and I always will too, I don't care that you did feel something when you kissed, Harry because that won't change how I feel about you. I love you." He kissed me once again, throwing all of his love into it, and I did the same.

We laid there in silence, taking each other in. We were holding each other close, naked. I really do love this man, and I'm not going to let what happened come between our love.

I laid, listening to Zayn's soft snores, but I got up to get a drink. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some vodka out of the freezer and started taking shots. I was a little tipsy when I heard someone walk into the kitchen, it was Harry. "What do you want Styles?" I stumbled over to him, and drank the shot that I had just poured. "God, I love it when you call me Styles," I could hear the smirk in his voice, god his voice, it was so sexy. Lexi! stop saying that you love Zayn!! I was broken out of my thoughts when Harry kissed me. I didn't do anything but kiss back, I couldn't help myself, it felt so right, but yet again so wrong.

We stumbled into Harry's room and stripped each other of our clothes. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but he was just so... so, tempting. I hated myself for doing this, but I really couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, we were on his bed and we were having sex. I was being as quiet as I could, but him being inside me felt better than Zayn... probably because of all the sparks going off in my body.

When we were done, I was no longer drunk, and I felt worse about what I had just done. I got out of Harry's bed and went back into Zayn's room and fell asleep listening to his snores.


I woke up the next morning, at around 7am. I turned to see that Zayn was still asleep. I got up, grabbed some clothes and got into the shower. When I was done I went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. The whole time all I could think about was the sex I had with Harry. It was so, amazing, better than any sex I had ever had. Not that I don't enjoy having sex with Zayn, it's just that... I honestly do not know how to explain it.

I jumped as I felt someones arms wrap around my waist, and I turned around to see Harry. I got out of his grasp and stood in front of him. "Harry, we can't tell anyone about what happened last night, okay? Please don't tell Zayn, ever! I love im and I don't want to loose him." He looked at me with a smirk, "I won't tell anyone, I promise. It was great tho," I looked at him and smiled a little, "Yes, it was, but we're not going to talk about it again." I made his plate and everyone elses and went to go wake them up.

We were all eating in silence, I guess because of what happened last night. Zayn has his arm around me as we were eating, and he was rubbing my side. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, inhaling his scent.

I took everyones plate when they were done eating and they all went and got ready so they could go to an interview. "Are you sure you're going to be fine here alone babe?" I smiled at Zayn, "Yeah babe, I'll be fine, I promise. I'm going to get some cleaning done, bye, love you" He kissed me and then he followed the lads out the door.

I got my iPhone and put it on the dock and blared my music. I took my clothes off, but stayed in my bra and underwear, because that was more comfortable for me. I was dancing around and singing to "Live While We're Young" as I was cleaning. Then I heard my phone go off telling me that I had a message. I checked it, it was from Zayn, 'Hey babe, you doin okay?' I laughed at how worried he was about me, and txted him back, 'Babe, I'm fine, I promise, I'm going to get back to cleaning now, love you and see you when you get back. xx" I put my music back on and went back to cleaning, I swear, these boys are like pigs!

I was cleaning up, and I found pizza boxes under the couch and cups everywhere. I can only imagine what their rooms look like. 

When I was finally finshed, I plopped down on the couch and all the boys walked in. I looked at them, then looked down at myslef. "Oh crap," I whispered to myself. "Lexi! Go get some clothes on!" Zayn said, "But I don't want to, it's just like a bathingsuit, and besides, I'm too lazy to get up and change," I sat there in my bra and underwear and all the boys laughed at me, except for Harry, who just eyed me up and down with hungry eyes. It started to turn me on, so I decided to ignore him.

All the boys changed into their boxers and we decided to have an underwear night. We stayed up and watched movies in our underwear and ate all the sweets that we had.

The whole time. me and Harry shared glances, and thank god that none of the other boys noticed. I felt so guilty. I told myself I love Zayn,  but here I am looking at another guy with hungry eyes, and not to mention... I had fucking sex with him!! I deserved to be punished for this. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I had an urge to barf, I ran to the bathroom and puked. It was probably from all the sweets that ate.

I flushed when I was done and brushed my teeth then went back and sat with the boys on the couch. "You okay babe?" I looked at him and kissed him, "Just fine babe, all these sweets made me sick" He laughed and returned his attention to the screen. But I coulsn't pay attention to the movie as I felt Harry's eyes burn into me. I ignored him and let my mind run wild with thoughts.


A/N" What do you think??? Do you really think it was sweets that made her sick?? And which 

boys side are you on??




Comment which side you're on!!!! :D

Love you guys!!!

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