Chapter 9- The Truth

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A/N: I hope you guys like this one, because it gets very interesting!!

Recap:  "Lexi, are you okay!?" Liam asked in a worried voice, "Yeah, why do you ask?" He pointed down to my pants and I saw blood. I felt my eyes rolling into my head, and the only thing I could smell was blood. All I saw was black... I had passed out.


I am running through the forest and something jumps on me, "Zaaaayynn!! Where are you!? Help!!" I'm crying and there is a wolf on me trying to kill me... it's Zayn.

I sit up quickly, and I'm sweating, no one is in the room with me, 'Where am I?' I look around and see that I'm in a hospital room. Just as I'm laying back down, Zayn walks in the room and rushes over to me, "Babe, you're awake, thank god." He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.

"So why exactly am I here?" I asked him, confused. "Because Lexi... you, had a-a m-misscariage," I looked at him in surprise, "I was p-pregnant?" I said. Thoughts were running through my mind, 'Was it Harry's or Zayn's?' I asked myself. I just laid there in shock and sighed.

Zayn went to go  and get the other boys. I wonder what would've happened if I would've had the baby? If it was Harry's, would Zayn know? My thoughts were inturrupted as the boys walked in, and Louis ran over to me and gave me a big bear hug. I squeezed him tight, trying to not let the tears threatening my eyes come through, but one slipped down my cheek.

Louis pulled away and wiped the tear off my face, "Lex, it'll be okay, the lads and I will help you," Louis' always been so sweet, and it just made me cry even more. All the boys came over and we had a group hug, but Harry wasn't apart of it, he just stared at me, then walked out the room.


I was only in the hospital for about 3 more days or so, they had to run tests on me. I got let out today, Louis came and got me because Zayn was at an interview right now. 

"Louis, can I tell you something, and you promise not to tell ANYONE!!?" He looked at me, "I won't tell," then he winked. 

I told him about me and Harry and that it was a drunk mistake, and it was my wolfs fault. He just looked at me in shock. "Lex, you know you're going to have to tell Zayn, right?" I looked at him with wide eyes. "Lou..." my voice trailed off due to fear, "will you be there with me when I tell him?" He looked at me and smiled, "Of course."

We walked into the hotel and went up to the pent house where we were staying. Zayn was sitting on the couch when we walked in. He turned around as we walked in, "Hello love, I'm sorry I couldn't come and get you," He walked over and kissed me. I looked up at Lous, and he gave me a weak smile. "I have something I need to tell you Zayn, but I want Louis to be here... I hope you will understand," I whispered the last part, and we went oto sit on the couch.


Zayn had tears in his eyes and he got up and looked at me, "I can't believe you Lexi, why would you do this, do you know how bad you hurt me!? I thought you said you loved me!?!?!" He started to scream at me and I had tears pouring down my face, "I'm sorry Zayn, I really am!! I didn't have any control over what I was doing, I promise you!!" He ignored me and went out the door and left.

I cried into Lou's chest while he played with my hair. He grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes, "Lex, he just needs to cool off, he will come back to you," I knew he was just saying that to make me feel better, because I knew he wasn't going to come back.

I got up looked at Louis, "Thanks for being there for me Lou, I love you," I hugged him and went to mine and Zayn's room. I trult love Zayn, and I just ruined any chance of us being together again. I started to cry into the pillow.

I got up and went into the bathroom and grabbed a razor and sat on the floor. I started to cut my arm over, and over, and over again watching the cuts heal. I did this for hours because when I got up to go look at the clock it was 3am. I sat on the bed, and just looked blankly at the wall, 'What have I done?' I asked myself, and 'Where was Zayn?' was another question.

I got up and left the hotel and walked the streets looking for Zayn, I saw someone laying in the alley, it was Zayn and he was as drunk as ever...  completely hammered. I picked him up and carried him back to the hotel.

When I got inside, all the boys looked at me. I ignored them and brought him into the room and laid him on the bed and he woke up. "Get away from me," he said sternly... ouch. I ignored him and changed him out of his clothes.

After a few minutes of fighting he finally stopped because he knew that I had won. "So, was the baby mine or Harry's?" He asked, I looked at him in the eyes, "I don't know Zayn, I'm sorry about everything okay!" He ignored me and went to sleep. I stood there looking at him, not knowing what to so, so I left the hotel.

I went to the nearest bar and sat down in one of the stools, "A beer please," I said to the bartender. He gave me the beer, and I just ordered one after another until I was hammered.

The next thing I remember I was in some guys car, and he was taking me to his house, I was to drunk and heartbroken to care tho, so I didn't try to fight. I couldn't see who it was, because my eyesight was blury from drinking so much.

Just as I was about to ask who he was, he stopped the car and pulled me out roughly and brought me inside... what have I gotten myself into?


Okay guys!!!! What do you think of this chapter?! Was it good or what?? Tell me what you think!

I love you all, and I hope that you keep reading my story.(: xx I love you.

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