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Tharn was having a hard time containing his excitement. Type had done exactly what he had asked. No questions or complaints. He had simply capitulated and Tharn was ecstatic. But he couldn't show it. This was too important to be overrun by hubris.

Type didn't know what he was agreeing to and until he did, Tharn couldn't do anything to him—with him!

"Good boy," Tharn said as he approached the bed once he was in control of himself again.

There was enough space to sit on the edge of the bed without touching Type and he made himself comfortable. He made sure Type knew he was there. There was no way to mistake the moment of awareness because Type stiffened and held his breath.

"Close your eyes. Breathe."

Type complied but his breath was shallow. His hand was still clutching and releasing the edge of the towel. And didn't stop until Tharn put a hand over his to stop the movement.

"Relax. Remember your safe. You don't have to worry about anything. You just have to do what I say. Understood?"

He nodded slowly. Then in a voice distant and raspy he added, "Yes Tharn."

Tharn could feel his blood warm at the simple answer. Did Type know what he was doing? Could he already know what it was like to be a sub? To act according to the will of his partner simply because it gave him just as much pleasure to comply as to be ordered around?

Tharn needed to find out.

"Have you ever used a safe word?" He asked all the time resisting the urge to touch Type.

"A what?"

He had his answer.

"If I do something you don't like you can ask me to stop. If at any time you feel like it's too much for you, just ask me to stop...or slow down. Do you understand?"

It wasn't the comprehensive conversation he wanted to have with Type but it was enough for them to get this preliminary step out of the way for now. The rest would come with time. Tharn dared to hope.

"Yes Tharn," Type answered again...cementing Tharn's hope.

"I like that."

Type frowned conveying clearly his confusion at Tharn's statement. He turned to look at Tharn and because this was as much about learning as it was about playing, Tharn explained, "I like when you acknowledge my instructions clearly. Whenever I tell you something and you understand you have to say that. Understood?"

"Yes Tharn?" The question was endearing.

Tharn wanted to kiss him. Truth be told he wanted to ravage him. But he smiled at his own eagerness, happy to have this much already and willing to see where they could go.

"That's right," He said encouragingly. But he changed tactics quickly because it was time to test his theory, "Now, tell me...what were you doing in the bathroom that made you shout my name?"

The blush was back and Type fidgeted on the bed. He was clearly embarrassed but Tharn wasn't about to let the matter drop. This was a simple test. How well could Type follow instructions even when they were uncomfortable for him?

"Are you going to tell me or do you prefer if we stop here?" The subtle threat was intentional and like before...he waited.

He didn't have long. Type cleared his throat and started explaining what he had been doing in the bathroom. Tharn was shocked when he mentioned his thoughts about what Tharn and Lhong would do to each other. But he realised Type was glossing over the details because he was a lot clearer when he finally got around to telling Tharn about the fantasy of him jerking him off.

"I couldn't stop myself...and that's why I shouted your name," Type finished.

In the silence that followed his confession, the air around them was charged. Tharn was doing his best to keep his hands to himself—so grateful for the complete honesty that he wanted to give Type a reward. Type was doing his best not to beg him to touch him. They stared at each other. Neither one moving yet the desire for something more riding them. It was up to Tharn to break the tableau.

"I wouldn't do it like that," Tharn refuted gently.

"What...?" Type asked in a whisper.

"Close your eyes and let me tell you what I would do to you," Tharn whispered next to his ear.

Type closed his eyes and once again Tharn was impressed by his compliance.

"I would have your hands tied up so you couldn't move. I like the idea of you at my mercy but I also like the thought you of with nothing on but the ropes I would tie you with. I would keep you on the edge for as long as I could. Do you know how many erogenous zones you have all over your body? I would find every single one and drive you crazy with the need to cum. But I wouldn't let you come. You know why?"

"No Tharn..." Type panted. Tharn's words having the desired effect of arousing him without Tharn having to touch him. Letting him know exactly what it could be like without violating his trust or his body.

"Because your pleasure belongs to me. And I would only let you come when I wanted you to."


Type moaned in reaction to the words and the images they were painting. Shocked that the vision of everything Tharn was describing didn't make him want to run away. It made him harder and he was dying to find out exactly how it would feel. But he couldn't bring himself to ask for it.

He was saved from having to speak his desire when Tharn told him to take off the towel. Type wasn't sure he could. He wanted to ask Tharn to slow down but he didn't want things to stop. His hesitation was making him crazy and he finally decided nothing could be worse than having Tharn ignore him again.

Taking his time and trying to breathe through his fear and embarrassment, Type unwrapped the edged of the towel and pulled them away from his body. It was now draped over the centre of the bed and he was lying on it. His hands were shaking and he felt his body shiver even though it wasn't cold. But the one detail he wanted to avoid was the one he couldn't.

His hard-on was pointing upwards towards his belly button, begging for attention.

Tharn licked his lips at the sight and Type gasped in shock at how carnal the act was and how easily it ignited a fire inside him.

He licked his lips in response and was even more surprised when Tharn's gaze locked on his mouth.

He wanted...he didn't know what.

His uncertainty was feeding his fear. His fear was sending his mind back to dark places. To places he didn't want to go. Type felt exposed and vulnerable. It was too easy for him to get hurt in a situation like this. Too similar to a time when he couldn't fight back. But he was torn. He didn't want to lash out at Tharn...there had already been too much violence between them and Tharn had done nothing to deserve it. But Type couldn't...

"I'm sorry...I don't think I can..." Type didn't get far with the excuse he wanted to give.

Tharn was on him like he could read his feelings off his page like a newspaper headline.

"Relax," He instructed. But when Type couldn't get control of his racing mind, Tharn pinned his flailing arms to the bed. He straddled his body and held him down. Oddly enough, considering the intimacy of the position, he could only feel Tharn's hands firmly around his wrists. No other part of their bodies was touching and that just made Type long for the connection even more.

He tried arching his body but Tharn seemed to anticipate him and he moved so that Type was even less mobile. "What are you doing? I want..."

"Shhh Type, I'm here...where do you think you're going?"

"I don't know what you want," Type said unable to hold back the sob of frustration that caught him off guard. He hated feeling this vulnerable. Hated that Tharn was seeing him lose control. But it was also freeing. So instead of trying to hold on to his thoughts he finally whispered, "I don't know what to do. I just need to..."


"You have to..." Tharn was desperate for him to finish but he wasn't willing to prompt him again and Type understood the unspoken command because he finally said, "...tell me what you want from me."

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