Part 1: Off to Japan!

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- Next Day -

*After word of the Super King Invitational was announced across the globe

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*After word of the Super King Invitational was announced across the globe. Many Bladers around the world wishing to participate in the tournament have started to head towards Japan as soon as possible. Planes are flying around at the DFW International Airport as Bobby looks out the window, daydreaming in the process.*

Bobby: (Just you wait Japan! Soon I'll be on one of those planes too and start heading straight your way!)

*He begins smiling as thoughts start to shroud his mind.*

???: Bobby.

Bobby: (I've always wanted to go to Japan! Not only is there good looking food and a ton of anime but it's also the birthplace of Beyblade!)

???: Bobby!

Bobby: (Man, this tournament's gonna be awesome! I'll make sure to burn all my opponents to a crisp with this flaming hot power of mine! Super King Invitational here I come! HAHAHAHA!)

???: BOBBY!

Bobby: H-Huh!?

*He gets snapped back to reality as he draws all his attention towards his mom.*

Bobby: Yeah Mom?

Mrs. Shikodo: Did you even hear a single word I said?

Bobby: Uhhhhh...nooo. *playing it off with a smile*

Mrs. Shikodo: *sighs* Why am I not surprised?

Bobby: *chuckles* Sorry.

Mrs. Shikodo: Anyway, I was asking if you had everything you need for your trip? We won't be able to head back home to get anything you left behind. And we certainly can't bring it to you once you leave.

Bobby: Don't worry Mom. I double checked and got everything I need. Clothes, a toothbrush, money, and a whole lot of other things. And of course I couldn't forget the two main things I'll be needing for this trip. Which are my Bey and Launcher!

Mrs. Shikodo: That's good...

*Bobby notices the somewhat sad look on his mom's face.*

Bobby: Mom? You okay? You look a bit...upset.

Mrs. Shikodo: I'm fine. It's just...

*Bobby's mom comes in and forces a hug with her son. Her eyes begin to water a bit but not to the actual point of crying.*

Mrs. Shikodo: I'm so proud of you baby!

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