Part 3: Test Your Strength! Start of the Scouting Procedure!

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*Two days have passed since Bobby and Ashley came to Japan. During this time, both Bladers have been training together nonstop after their first battle with each other. Bobby and Ashley are excited to face off in the upcoming scouting procedure and prove they have what it takes to face off in the Super King Invitational. Bobby's been somewhat of a coach to Ashley since she is a bit inexperienced, while at the same time, Ashley has shown great progress in their time of training together.*

Ashley: Go...Shoot!

*Azure begins going around the Stadium at incredible speeds. Way faster than it was when Ashley first went against Bobby.*

Ashley: *smiles intensely* All right!

Bobby: *looks over and notices Azure in the Stadium* Nice! Your Shoot has improved over the last two days!

*Azure rushes into a stadium wall, launching itself out of the Stadium and into Ashley's hand.*

Ashley: Thanks! But only by a little bit. I can't improve that quickly you know? It'll take way more time than two days to show any real significant change.

Bobby: Ah that's alright. This should be good enough. *smirks* You may even be able to prove as a good challenge for me now. *makes a small pinch with his fingers* But only by a little bit *begins smiling*.

Ashley: *pouts* S-Shut up!  I can prove to be a real challenge to you just as much as anyone can!

Bobby: Yeah, yeah, whatever. *makes somewhat of serious face* But are you ready for tomorrow?

Ashley: *looks back just as serious as him* Yeah. Tomorrow's the scouting procedure right?

*Bobby nods his head in agreement.*

Ashley: I can't believe three days have passed just like that *snaps*.

Bobby: *looks at the sky* I know right? It feels like we just got here. *begins to smile* But that doesn't matter though. I'll blow my competition away. Me and Burnout are going to come out on top in the scouting procedure and in the Super King Invitational.

*Ashley begins to look down in disbelief.*

Ashley: Heh...yeah...

*Bobby looks over to her and notices her expression.*

Bobby: Huh? You okay?

Ashley: I'm fine. It's just...

*Ashley begins to stand up from the step she was sitting still looking down.*

Ashley: What if...I'm not good enough? What if I end up losing? Won't that mean my trip was all for nothing...?

*Bobby begins to feel concerned but then walks over and puts his hand on her shoulder.*

Bobby: Hey. Don't go around thinking like that. That's bad energy for your Battles yet to come.

Ashley: *looks over* Huh?

Bobby: If you think you're going to lose then you're going to lose, it's as simple as that.

Ashley: Bobby...

Bobby: You need to think you're going to win if you want to have a shot at beating this thing!

Ashley: *starts to smile intensely* R-Right! Thanks Bobby!

Bobby: *smug smiles* Heh, you're welcome. *runs over to the other side of the Stadium* Now, let's have a Battle before we go back to training! Help to bring you some good vibes you know!? *smiles*

Ashley: *confidently smiles* Ha! You're on! *looks over to the Stadium* Let's do this!

Bobby & Ashley: 3...2...1...! Go...SHOOT!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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