Part 2: Fated Rivals Meet! Azure vs Burnout!

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*Ashley Koshindra is sleeping soundly in her bed after being tuckered out from receiving news about the Super King Invitational. Convincing her mom to let her go, going through the process of getting the plane ticket, and getting prepared for her trip tomorrow, she needs all the sleep she can get. However...*

???: Ashley! Wake up! You're gonna be late for your flight!

Ashley: H-Huh!?

*Ashley slept in way too late.*

Ashley: Ah crap, ah crap, ah crap! I'm gonna be late! I haven't even gotten dressed yet!

*Ashley starts getting dressed as quick as she can. Along with checking to make sure she has everything needed along the way.*

Ashley: Lets see, I have this, and that, I made sure to grab these. Wait, is something missing? *looks around* Ah! What could be missing!? *thinks about it* Oh, that's right! *looks at her desk* My Bey!

???: Ashley let's go! We don't have much time left!

Ashley: Coming Mom!

*Ashley grabs her Bey and Launcher and heads out her room. As she rushes down the stairs, she stops near the kitchen to get some quick breakfast. There, her siblings are sitting at the counter as her mom cleans everything up.*

Marcus: Well look who it is. Sleeping beauty finally woke up.

Ashley: S-Shut up! It's not like I was gonna be asleep forever you know?

Marcus: Whatever! *shews her away*

Ashley: Why you-!?

Marissa: So what took you so long anyway?

Ashley: Oh uh...I...

Marissa: Overslept?

Ashley: *chuckles it off* Yeah...

Marissa: *shakes head* Of course you did.

Ashley: But I don't know how though. I could've sworn I turned on the alarm clock. And set it too.

Miguel: *chuckles wickedly* I think I might know how. *smiles sinisterly*

Ashley: Huh? *thinks about it* Wait...don't tell me...

Miguel: Heh, I pranked you!

Ashley: ...

Miguel: Soooo, what'd ya think? Gotcha good huh?


Ms. Koshindra: *looks back at her child* That's enough you two! There will be no strangulation on my watch!

Ashley: But Mom!

Ms. Koshindra: No buts!

*Miguel starts to laugh maniacally.*

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