II. Awkwardness

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He does as I request of him. He kept quiet and closed his eyes. Shoko walks by the bathroom after what seemed like ages. He clumsily gets up. It was new to me to see him acting like this. But then again I was the same. I turn around and start buttoning my shirt. My shirt was still wet, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go out like this, you practically see through my shirt. I peak at him, he was adjusting his glasses and getting up. He took his blazer and offered me a hand.

"Umm. . .Nanami-san I- I mean my shirt-"

"What about your-"
He sees it.

He still helps me get up looking away and hands me his blazer.

"You should wear that Y/n. . .you need it more than I do."

"Thank you Nanami-san. . ."
He puts it around me and I try wearing it but it was too big for me. He was taller and had a better build than me so that was expected. I struggled with getting the buttons right, he peaks and stops my hands with his,

"May I?"

He offered.

"U-uh yeah, I need your help."
I reply shyly.

He comes closer, bends a little forward and does the buttons. His head was right near my chest, I wonder if he still doesn't think about me, in that way.

He finishes and takes my right hand, holding it while we were walking back to Shoko-san's office. His palm was big and rough and his watch frequently hit my wrist but I didn't mind it, it was comforting. Just holding this man's hand made me feel safer than ever. I don't want to let go. But I know that I will have to eventually, or he will. And I would rather take my hand away first than let him and miss the warmth and the moment when his hand was wrapped around mine.

He was walking slower than usual, maybe it was to match my speed. I didn't have long legs like him so I would have to take 2-3 steps to match up to his one step. It finally felt like we were dating, these small efforts that brought me a tiny bit of happiness were sufficient for me, this way I knew that he still cared about me.

It had gotten dark outside, I could tell from the chilly breeze coming from the open window even if there was a curtain there.

We arrive at Shoko-san's office, his grip on my hand loosened. I knew that he was a shy person who wouldn't show his affection publicly. So I understood that and slipped my hand out.

Doing that drew his attention to me. He looked at me almost as if I was the one who did something wrong. But didn't he want this too?

He was about to say something when the door slams open and Nanami-san barely manages to prevent it from hitting us right in the face.

"Ara- I'm sorry I didn't realise you were back Nanami and Y/n-san."

Shoko apologises for slamming the door in our faces.

"It's fine it's our fault for entering without knocking. How's Yuji?"

He brushed it off.

"Well, you'll have to see for yourself. He's barely escaped death this time."

She leads us inside. We see Yuji laying on the bed with an oxygen mask on him and many additional wires going into his body, to replenish his blood. I place my hand on the glass. It was cold, the temperature inside was low. It was not a pretty sight to see such a young boy be this helpless. Nanami-san just kept listening to what Shoko-san had to say about him while nodding his head.

"And we'll be keeping him here for another month after he's done recovering just to make sure he's completely fine."

She hands him the papers to fill in his information. He takes it,

"So I just need to write down what I know about him right?"

Nanami-san takes out a pen from his pocket. Wow, I didn't know he always kept one ready, guess it the office life that got him accustomed to carrying a pen around at all times.

"Yeah, I know you aren't his guardian Gojo is but he's irresponsible as ever he's late."

Shoko-san sighs.

"Do you mind if we visit him now Shoko-san?"

I ask hesitantly.

She looked surprised like I wouldn't care about the kid, why does everyone think I'm weird?

Not just her even Nanami-san looked alarmed.

"Sure you both can go in, I'll be waiting for Gojo in the lobby."

She looks at Nanami-san then me. Nanami-san hands her the papers and she leaves.

"Are you sure you want to go in Y/n?"

He asks me.

"I want to. . . is it fine for me to go in Nanami-san?"

He pushes his glasses further back adjusting them.

"I cannot stop you if that's what you wish."

I smile and take his hand in mine.

"Let's go meet him then shall we?"

I take the lead this time taking him in. It was really cold inside, the temperature kept dropping and picking up to suit his body. I could feel the cold air seep in me.
I pulled two chairs and pulled Nanami-san closer pointing at it to make him sit down. He was acting like a kid. This accident was something that must have hurt him a great deal. I sit by him still holding his hand. Yuji looked like he was sleeping peacefully, with no care in the world. Yep, he's the idiot we both care about.

I place my other hand on Yuji's forehead.

That drew Nanami-sans attention off his bandages to me.

"You worried us there for a second you idiot."

I caress his cheeks.

Hearing that from me made Nanami-san's hand tremble a bit.

I looked at him, he was pushing his glasses again. Is that a new weird habit of his? I've never seen him do that before.

It couldn't be? . . .Was he doing that to hide his tears?

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