The beginning of the misery

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Hello!! I'm back!! .....after eight months or so....

I swear this school year was so hectic, I felt like I had an exam every week, I didn't even have enough time to catch up with many chapters from multiple manwhas😓😖

Oh btw, I will start writing in third person POV.

And thank you for +1.5K reads!!!

The reason I tried so hard to update was because it had been one year since the first chapter of this fanfic was first out, 12th of may🎉🎉


The only voice that was heard in the dining room was the cluttering of silver forks with the plates.

As the heiress for the dukedom, Ange was eating with an elegance of a grown up instead of a 4 years old child.

She could feel her uneasiness get higher and higher each time she looks at her uncle and sees him grinning a sinister smile, maybe it's just her imagination. She hoped it's just her imagination.

After they finished eating and the desert came,  Kalvanius cleared his throat to get their attention.

"So, dear brother,  tell me how is the work going on? I'm sure it is hard to handle such a large dukedom." He crossed his hands and put them at the table while looking at the man beside him with faux worry in his eyes, years of dealing with nobles trained Liam's eyes to detect lies.

"It's fine Kalvanius, it's not that hard once you get used to it." Lian replied while swinging his cup of wine before taking a sip from it.

After hearing the words coming from his brother, Kalvanius' face broke into a large smile, "I'm happy to hear that brother, but you see, the real reason why I came. The people from the Darom village are complaining about the drought and how the taxes are very high."

"So? That village doesn't belong to the Oberlian kingdom, it's in marquis Suffington's lands. You of all people should know this as you're quite close with the marquis." Liam put his glass of wine and glared at his brother.

"Oh no, he gave it to you as a condolence gift, that's what he told me last time I visited and even gave me a copy of the document, here, I brought it with me." He then took a rolled paper from his pocket and gave it to Liam. "See? It even had your seal."

Since Ange was right next to her dad she was able to see the document and the slight trembling of his hands. Indeed, in the document was her family's seal as well as the Suffington's seal. So many questions swam in her head, how could it be? This document is clearly fake as she can't recall a deal like this. Her train of thoughts was cut short when the annoying voice of her uncle came.

"I know that my brother is diligent so I wondered how could this be which leads me to do some research and to my surprise the taxes payed by the people from the Darom village were not in the account book even tho when I asked the head of the village, he said he payed. I couldn't think you would do it brother but that only means that you keep it for yourself and ask your accountant to do some false accounting so no evidence will be left against you." He kept speaking with that smile still present in his face.

When Liam opened his mouth to speak, Kalvanius stopped him since he probably knew what he will say "I took the liberty to present this case in front of the court, and they decided to reduce your statues to that of a commoner's. You will have a day to pack. Oh and don't worry about Ange, after all she's my niece I will take care of her as if she's my daughter.....until she comes of age." Shudders run down her spine when she saw that glint in his eyes, that meant no good.
"Of course, I will became the duke, it's my legitimate right. Still, blood is thicker than water so I will recommend you to some places where you can work."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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