I'm dead

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I just got a message from my best friend about the adress of the hotel they are hosting my bachelorette party, yes, I'm marrying the love of my life tomorrow, Nick, my co-worker in the hospital. I arrived at the hotel just to ba congratulated by the confetti from the party poppers.
"Guys, I'm 26 years old, there's no need for party poppers" I said trying to get the confetti from my hair.
"No!!! My bestie will get married in like 16 hours, she needs the best for her bachelorette party, did you hear me?" Mia, my best friend said.
"Yeah, ma'am" I replied in a bored tone.

Many people came to congratulate me, co-workers, frineds from college, family......
"Move on girls, we need to go to the next location" Mia, the party organizer said.

"Ok wait a minute, I need to.go to the bathroom" I said

"Sure, Iris, go" Lisa, another friend.

As I was washing my hands, I heard a buzz sound coming from my pocket, turns out to be a message from my fiancee, Nick:
" 'sup, gorgeous, are they killing you there? 'cuz they sure do here!!"
I chuckled and typed quickly my response:
"Nooo, don't die, I don't want to be a widow before even getting married, and you maybe want to put your phone back and concentrate in the party, I can feel Leo's killing intent from here"
"Don't worry, love, your man is made of steel.......... H-How did you know??? Leo literally throw a knife near my face, maybe I should go~bye"

I chuckled and a notification caught my attention a new chapter of wmmap is released, ok let's read it, and Iris remember you're in public try not to squeal or shout or do anything that will make you seem like a high school girl......................ok I take it back "KYAAAAA!!!! Lucas and athy kissed, finally!!! And Felix and Lily" I sighed dreamly as I was dancing a victory dance (that was my reaction when I read the chapter) I soon bumped into a board chest of someone "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying att-....James, what are you doing here?"

In front of me stood a black haired guy with brown eyes, my ex from high school, James.

"I'm sorry Iris, I tried to forget you but I couldn't when I wanted to call you I found out you were getting married," he put hos head in his palms as he satrted to chuckles bitterly and, I might add, hysterical "so I decided if you couldn't be mine,then-" wait, was that a knife he pulled out from his jacket "you can't be anyone's!!" And then I felt something sharp piercing my stomach. I stumbled back in the wall near me and saw black spots everywhere. The pain was unbearable. I let out a shaky breath and and cried in agony. Black surrounded my world and my last breath left my mouth.

And that's how I died, dear readers.

Around me was still dark. Am I in heaven or has heaven forsaken me? I struggled to get up and open my eyes yet for some reason I couldn't. But I still tried.

"Lullaby and goodnight, with roses bedight
With lilies o'er spread is baby's wee bed..."

Was that....a lullaby?

"Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed..."

The voice definitely belonged to a woman, it was.....gentle and soothing.

"Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed.."

I felt I was beginning to doze off, wait no I can't I just woke up.......

Finally, after a nap, I opened my eyes to see a beauty with blonde hair and fascinating jeweled blue eyes that were looking at me tenderly.

"Oh my, ange, you woke up already, how was your nap?" She has such a sweet voice.

Then I heard a chuckle "Honey, I don't think you're seriously waiting for an answer right?" It was now a deep voice that has spoken.

"Ughhh, don't act like that Liam, you really resemble Claude in some ways"

"Well,  Kathiana De Alger Obelia, I think it's actually a praise to resemble me with His Majesty the Emperor"

Wait what Claude, Obelia.... Am I in the wmmap world?..

The first chapter, I know it's short but hey it's only the beginning.
Stay safe from covid-19

In wmmap, I Woke UpWhere stories live. Discover now