Chapter 5

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Lillia tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Nanteza and mild limbered from the empty bedroom that would serve as Maya's residence at least while her sister's wedding preparations were underway. when Jamie had learned that a childhood friend of Evelyn's needed a room to stay in without his sister's knowledge the night was more than willing to oblige telling the servants it was for one of the Tyrells which wasn't a lie but a good enough fib to make anyone think it was for any one of Maya's other four siblings. the bedroom door swung open and out stepped Maya and Nanteza. Maya wore a lovely dress of pale blue silk with detailed white embroidery from the chest about halfway down her hips with a lazy top shawl attached the top of her dress and laces lacing up the whole back with blue ribbon.

Lillia nodded in satisfaction, "there is no denying that you are a Tyrell now."

Maya smiled before looking left and right as if fearing to be found. she was so used to her mask obscuring her view that she turned her head completely to look left or right.

"I am a little dehydrated. the sun is so bright up here." Maya explained. "I need a water source."

the two girls nodded in total understanding. this Nanteza did not feel a breeze occasionally she felt claustrophobic and Lillia hated being indoors longer than necessary. her maid often wondered why she found specks of soil in Lily's bed, but she never bothered to question it.

"I'll take you to the garden pond fishy." Nanteza offered, looping her arm through Maya's. "Lillia weren't you supposed to be doing some maid of honor things?"

Lily's lime eyes rounded, and she spun on her bare feet before bolting down the Hall. "I'll see you later!"

Nanteza and Maya chuckled as they watch the girl go before wondering how Lillia would manage to not lose her mind while helping Margaery with the wedding. Out of the girls Lillia was the least organized and her head was always in the trees... literally.

when Lillia came barreling into the gardens insert of Marjorie she in fact came in contact with a rock-hard chest. wincing she looked up into the kind blue eyes of a young Knight. Lillia searched her brain for a name to match the face. incredibly tall with curly dark Brown hair and a Rouge curl over his forehead that would make a girl swoon. a dimple on his chin and cupids bow lips with the body of a God and the razor kind of jawline.

"Sir Henri!" Lily gasped relieved when she remembered his name which earned her a gorgeous smile in return. "I am so sorry!"

the bear of a man chuckled, and his crisp baritone voice made Lillia shiver. "do not worry yourself lady Lillia. out of all of things I have bumped into today I would rather bump into you for I enjoy running into someone as pretty as you."

Lillia blushed and went to talk a stray curl behind her ear only to remember that she was wearing breaches underneath her skirt and her white blouse was slipping off one shoulder her leather corset being the only thing from her chest being exposed. her feet were bare, and her hair looked like a Crow made a home in it. she peered around Sir Henri and spied several nights sparring in the grassy lawn but with blunted swords. Sir Henri unnoticed Lillia's intrigue and held out his arm to her.

"care to join me? I was just about to select an opponent in my practice."

Lillia was about to reject his offer when she spied the all too familiar figure of Loras sparring with another man. She beamed at Henri and took his arm.

"I would be delighted." she told him.

Henri led her over to where the Squires were guarding the assortment of weapons and Henri began to inspect each. Lillia's eyes fell on an especially large battleaxes and she lifted it to test its balance.

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