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‘They’ll use the arrow formation for offense,’ greeted the voice of Malevolum Puer, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, ‘which is a tricky tactic to defend  but exceedingly exploitable on counter attacks. So today, for our last practice session before the game tomorrow, we will overwork to speed up our gameplay down the flanks.  WHO’S WITH ME?’

‘Not me,’ James Potter’s voice disrupted the synchronized cacophony of enthusiastic approvals, ‘how did you find out about their tactics?’

‘I did not, James,’ Malevolum grunted, impatiently, ‘I merely guessed,’

‘We’re going to gamble on guess-works now?’

‘We,’ She stressed, ‘are going to do what I say, because of this,’ she pointed at her captain’s arm-band.

‘Leave it, James. Mal hasn’t spied on them, she’s just great at reading the game,’ Edward whispered as James suppressed his retaliation.

‘Now that we have all agreed,’ Mal gave James a long, hard glare who simply stared back, ‘mount your brooms team, and impress me!’

Flashes of scarlet streaked beneath the golden glinting rays of the sunset as the horizon encased the drowning orb, the Gryffindor Quidditch team all set for their match against Hufflepuff the morning after.


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‘What you did, Peter,’ Remus spoke, sitting in the stands, watching the practice, his eyes fixated upon the explosive form of James Potter, ‘was extravagantly stupid,’

‘It was not, I only wanted Gryffindor to win!’

‘And we don’t? Do you see us spying over the Hufflepuff formation on the Marauders Map every night? This is not why we created it!’ Remus hissed, his tone agitated.

‘They tried to spy on us to,’ Peter squeaked.

‘Don't lie . If James found out what you did… You know how he feels about spying when it comes to Quidditch,’

‘He won’t find out. Mal promised that she would tell him she analyzed Hufflepuff’s game. And she did tell them that, he won’t find out,’
Peter glanced at Remus and shrunk beneath his cold gaze.

‘I’m letting you off just this once, Peter. But don’t let me fucking catch you being an informer, ever again,’ Remus warned before strolling out on the pitch beneath the now-darkened skies.


‘MAKE WAY FOR THE GREATEST CHASER OF ALL TIME,’ The booming voice of Sirius Black cut through the murmurings looming over Great Hall.

‘Oh, thank you, Sirius. I never knew you loved me so much,’  James joked.

‘I was actually talking about Mal, there,’ Sirius said, pointing at the Gryffindor Captain as she scowled and walked past them towards the Gryffindor table.

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