16. No More

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[Hear this while reading]

I heard talking, I had tape in my mouth, duct tape, the best kind, My body was tied with my hands with a rope onto a pole, not so smart.

But I still couldn't get out! What about Taehyung? 

"What do we do with her." I heard a familiar  voice say.

"Lisa, dear, let me do the things, you can go watch through the cameras room, Make sure to record it." Tzuyu laughed. .....Lisa? As in, my Lisa?

"I'll go check on her." Lisa said, I heard High heels click. Click Clack

She entered the room and closed the door.  She roughly ripped the Duct tape out my mouth. "DIDN'T JUNGKOOK KILL YOU?! I quickly scram "SHHH! And no, Tzuyu- Nevermind, that don't matter, we need to get out of here!" She said. "WE?" I asked, she rolled her eyes and started untying the rope. I giggled "Old times, I always said something dumb, and you always rolled your eyes." She smiled. She breathed in slowly, and breathed out. "It's done Jisoo, It was nice knowing you, now go chase your guy" She smirked. 

Tzuyu was coming our way.

"Lisaaaa, are you forgetting something?.. . . . . . . " She said evilly.

Lisa, looked terrified, she looed to her right, "STUPID CAMERAS," She stood up and kicked the camera with her boot heels.

"You forgot to sharpen my knife!" She said. She sighed. She's a psychopath!! 

"I'll be back" Lisa spoke, She sashayed away. That girl glowed up!

Tzuyu was coming, I put my duct tape back to my mouth, and pretended to be tied up.

"Your prince is coming, he won't know what to expect!" She pulled out a knife out of her pocket, of her long jacket from Gucci.

Oh Gosh.

She pulled my hair and saw I wasn't tied. "HA! Tried escaping? Didn't get too far!"

"Jisoo!" Scram a guy. "TAEHYUNG!" I scram at the same time as Tzuyu, Just that she sounded excited and I sounder worried. She pulled my hair out of the room. "You WANT to see THIS!" She said.

She put me on my knees. 

"Just Like Romeo and Juliet!" Tzuyu said Excitedly.

A tear dropped my cheek 

 She took the Duct tape out my mouth.


Lisa covered Jisoo's mouth. "It's OK!" Lisa said

Taehyung entered the warehouse,

Tzuyu quickly stabbed his stomach with the knife.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Jisoo screamed. "TAEHYUNG!" She continued.

Lisa let go of Me. I ran to him, and her eyes filled with tears, she was shaking so much. "T-T-Taehyung?" I stammered. "TAEHYUUNG!" I continued. He was trying to move his hand, he moved it and put it on my chest. "Your heart, Sh-she don't see, your h-heart is shining-g, I- I love Y-you J-jisoo" He stammered.

"N-no! NO! You Can't let me down! YOU PROMISED YOU- YOU- "


"I love you JISOOOOO!" Young Taehyung said.

She ran holding hands with him, "WOOOOO" She scram, no matter how many times Taehyung told her that, she would never say it back. She stopped running, to catch her breath, she kissed his cheek, She giggled. 

**End of Flashback**

"I love you" She whispered, "I mean it, I never meant it. . . .  But now I do."

"Sometimes-s Y-you don't miss something until It's gone."

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