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"Where are we going?" Seeun asked Hanseo, who was guiding her down the street. "To a place I'm.. I'm assigned to work on for a few days, I also have a friend here." He said, pointing to the Plaza in front of himself. "Geumga.. Plaza?" Seeun read, looking back to Hanseo, a confused expression coming to her face. Originally, he planned to destroy the building last night, which explained the bruise on his cheek from Junwoo. He didn't want his few friends in this building to think he was villainous, so he brought Seeun beside him, to take her here to eat, and to make himself look good in front of his mafia-like acquaintance.

Walking in, they were greeted by two workers in the Pawnshop, a man with a beanie, and a woman beside him. "Aaah.. Look how pretty she is!.. Oh! Are you the CEO.. Of.." "Yes! Yes.. I am.." Hanseo interrupted the woman, putting a finger to his lips, looking to Seeun before he continued on, holding her hand, looking for a specific office. "Hanseo.. You don't know these people do you?" "Of course I do! Mm, I have a love for.. For tenants, and.. For Plazas!" "Then why are you dressed like your an American in the eighties?"

Hanseo froze, looking down to his shirt striped with different colors, as well as jeans, and a pair of glasses. "Your not hiding.. Are you..? Hanseo! Am I here to make you look like an outsider?" "No! No! I took you here for the food! And.. The people!" Hanseo fussed, opening the door to the small office, "Jipuragi Law Firm" labeled above it. As she walked in, she directed her attention to an older male with glasses, a goofy-looking face and dead-like pants. Then she saw a woman in formal wear, her hair down, lips pursed, a pretty red color grazed over them. But her focus really went to the male standing up, a glass of instant coffee in his hand, his doe eyes slanted, the visible stubble surrounding his chin, hair perfectly styled. All three of them looked to Seeun and Hanseo, quiet until Hanseo broke the silence. "Hey! Buddies!" He laughed, walking over to sit at the table, gesturing Seeun over. She sighed, walking over to Hanseo, arms crossed, head turned away. "You're embarrassing me." She whispered, watching him point around. "This, This is uhh.. Chayoung! Hong Chayoung! Mmhm, she used to work at Wusang, And this dude, Joosung." "Call me Nam, Mr. Nam." Mr. Nam replied, looking up to the other male in the room, glaring at Hanseo since he did too. "And Vincenzo! Vincenzo Cassano! He's part of the-" "That's enough, Do you care to tell us why your here?" Vincenzo interrupted, pointing to Seeun, "And why is she here?" "Oh! Yeah.. Seeun, this is business, could you step out for a moment?" Hanseo asked, "I promise we'll get to the fun stuff after!"

Seeun rolled her eyes, stepping out of the office, waiting outside of the door. Vincenzo.. Cassano? Odd.. She's never heard of a name before. Seeun flinched once her phone rang, pulling it out of her pocket, seeing it was Mrs. Choi.. Choi Myunghee. She's never spoken to her directly, how did she get her number? Seeun answered, putting the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" "Is this Seeun, Lee Seeun?" "Yes Ma'am.." "You might know of me, from.. Yoon? Mrs. Yoon." "Right.." "I've been working beside Jang Hanseo for a while, hearing stories of you from time to time, and how good you are at your job, Would you consider being his assistant?"

"Me..? Being his assistant?" "Mmhm, Defending him when it comes to Law, helping with papers, writings, his work, that's all, and you'll meet a team of specialists, like me for example, Do you need time to think?" "No! No! I'll take the offer, Of course.. Does this mean I'm part of Babel?" "Yes." Myunghee replied, "Please meet me at the location I've sent you tomorrow, It's nice to talk to you."

Hearing her hang up, Seeun felt a rush of adrenaline wave through her body. There was no way.. How could someone be promoted some way? The amount of money she'd make.. And she'd be with someone she knew well.. This was too much to ask for. There was one problem, and that was the number of questions she had for Myunghee, and.. That she didn't tell Junwoo that she was close to his brother as well.. And now that he'd see her beside him.. She hoped he didn't think too much of it. A week and three days was all it took to prove herself in such a big community..

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