2. Meeting the cast

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In the morning I wake up to a loud banging on the door. Dylan. I get up and open the door... I see Dylan holding a package and a cup of coffee.

- Morning! Here's your skateboard and a coffee.

- Wait did already arrive I thought it would take longer?

- Jules send it right when we left so it was on the same plane as us.

Wow, I'm surprised. I let in Dylan and close the door behind him. I go to the mini kitchen and place the package on the counter. I open the drawer where the scissors are and open the package. I find my lovely red and black skateboard with an eagle on it. I love my skateboard.

- C'mon we have to meet my co-workers! - Dylan says with excitement.

- I hope they aren't as crazy as you are...

I go quickly and change my clothes, brush my teeth and hair. Then I get my phone and we walk out of my room. (Outfit ^^^^^^^^)

Me and Dylan arrive at the studio. Dylan runs to the door and swings it open, I just laugh.

- Ah Dylan it's so good to see you, glad you can make it! - I hear a firm voice coming from the inside.

- Wes hiii, I hope you don't mind I brought my sister with me.

- I don't at all, well I want to meet her!

- Hey V! Wes wants to meet you hurry up!

I walk in and say hi. I'm a bit nervous but I shake it off.

- Hey, nice to meet you! - I say as friendly as I can.

He pulls me into a hug.

- Come on I will introduce you to the rest of the cast.

We follow him and he leads us to a room with a lot of couches and people. They all seem nice. As we walk in everyone looks at us and smiles. I thought it was nice but knowing Dyl I guessed he thought that he won't fit in, I mean let's face it he acts like a child.

- Guys this is Dylan he will play Thomas and this is his sister ...- he looks at me with a question in his eyes.

- Violet but my friends call me V

- Well I will let you all get to know each other. - Wes says and leaves the room.

Then I get a call ,, Tyler Posey''. What's up with him why is he calling me NOW?! I answer and walk to the corner of the room.

- Hey Ty, what's up?

- So I was wondering if you still have that picture of me, Dyl, and you on the swings in your backyard?

- Yeah I do?

- Great! Send it to me, please.

- K, I got to go. Bye


I walk back to Dylan and sit next to him. He is talking to some of his co-workers.

- Hey, who was that?

- Oh, just Ty.

- What did he want?

- Nothing.

- OK, anyway V meet Thomas, Ki, Will, and Kaya. They are my co-workers and co-stars. Thomas plays Newt, Ki plays Minho, Will plays Gally and Kaya plays Teresa.

- Hi, nice to meet you!

- I have a feeling me and you will get along well. _ Kaya says with excitement.

- Great!

- I have an idea! - Will shouts.

- What is it?! - Dylan says like a normal Dylan would say, ya know he funky little idiot.

- We should go get lunch together, and we will get to know each other better.

- YAAAS. - Kaya stands up and drags me outside by my hand.

We had a great time, we joked around and talked about random shit. But we all get each other and it was awesome. We got very close and we would laugh at almost every single word we say. They acted like children, just like me and Dyl. I think these 8 months will be awesome!

AUTHOR: Hey, so I write for fun and I hope you like it. I will try to post every day but I can't promise anything because I have school and homework. If you find any grammar mistakes please let me know. If you have any suggestions please let me know too.

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