13. Premiere

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Thomas's P.O.V.:

I woke up by someone jumping on my bed. Ava. 

- Ava, get out! - T

- Then wake up! - A

I sit up and look at my watch. It's 11 in the morning. I realized that Violet, made me sleep in. We would always talk until midnight and she would sleep forever when she doesn't have school. Then I look at our friendship light, It's yellow. Yellow means good morning. She probably had to wake up at 6 am because of school. 

Then I fall back to my bed. 

- Thomas, you gotta stop thinking about her! She's in New York, remember? - A

- That's the problem, I can't! - It's true I couldn't get her off my mind. Then my phone rang. It was an email from Wes. 

I read it out loud so Ava could hear.

„Hello, the cast of Maze Runner, I am emailing you to inform you that we will have a premiere in California for the Maze Runner. I emailed each of you your flight information. We will be staying in California for two weeks since we have a comic con after the premiere. I am very excited to see you all again. See you in California in two weeks! Wes."

I immediately get up and hug Ava, I was soo happy. I will see Violet!

- Can I come? - A

- Sorry, Ava, Violet's my date. I hope! - T

- Get out, I'm calling V! - T

Violet's P.O.V.:

I am having math when my phone rang. I got excused. I walk out to the corridor and open my phone. It's Thomas. Of course, I answer:

- Hey, Tommy! - V


- WHAT?! - V

-We have a premiere in two weeks! Just check your emails! - T

- OMG! YAY! - V

- Sorry, Tommy, but I got math call ya later? - V

- Yup! - T

I come back to the classroom and go to the teacher's desk, I whisper in her ear „I have to go to the principles office, see ya later". She nods and I pick up my bag and head to the principles office.

***Time Skip***

I just got out of the airport. And immediately was wrapped in hugs. Kaya, Em, Kat, and Nat hugged me, I was surprised. We all said hi and went to check into our hotel room. Or that's what I thought. All they did was give me a key. Trust me I did not know what was happening. I unlock the door to see the boys screaming at the TV screen. They wore playing Mario Kart. I was so confused I thought I would have a whole room to myself. They looked at me and says in unison:

- The bedroom is in the back of the hallway. 

- Don't worry we have our own room. - Ki

I was so confused. I walked to the room and saw Thomas. He was laying on the bed with headphones, his eyes were closed. Then I got an awesome idea. I went over ended up on top of him. He didn't even move. Then went ahead and kissed him. Just as our lips touched he opened his eyes, I smiled. Then he kissed me back.

- What are you doing here? - V

- Oh, nothing just sharing a bed with my girlfriends if that's fine. - He said and started to tickle me.

- Thomas...Stooooop! - I said while laughing. He stopped and then kissed me.

We decided to go to the living room to be with the others. We played Mario Kart, talked, ate, and laughed until it was 3 am. We all were felling asleep. I almost did but then I felt someone pick me up bridal style. I put my head on his shoulder and took in the person's scent. Thomas. He carried me to bed.

In the morning me and Thomas woke up because Dylan started jumping on our bed. He said that today we had the premiere. Yay!

Us girls were changing, doing our hair and make-up when one of the workers came in and said that we 30 minutes left. I changed into my outfit and checked my hair.

 I changed into my outfit and checked my hair

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I looked awesome

AUTHOR: So I realized I didn't post this, I should have posted it like a week ago but I didn't I'm really sorry. Well here it is now and it has 773 words. 

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