One last call

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Seungcheol stared at his phome as he remembered the fight he and jeonghan had.

The continuous screaming and shouting as they both argued, blaming each other.

Seungcheol can't help but felt tears brim his eyes as he stared at the ruins of one part of the island the memories of the sadness and anger on jeonghan's voice lingered his mind.

"I had no choice!" seungcheol shouted as he held his chest frustration seen in his face.

"if I didn't do that the school could have been turned itno ashes!" he reasoned but jeonghan was having none of it.

"You Almsot killed Soonyoung!" he shouted.

"But I didn't! And thousands of lives were at risk jeonghan!" seungcheol spat.

"If I hadn't done that not only will soonyoung be also gone so will everyone in this island!" he said.

"Soonyoung is your friend seungcheol! He saved you on the last mission there should've been other ways!" jeonghan said his eyes showing anger and sorrow.

The two didn't stand down as they only kept arguing both of them held their faces high up not bother to back down.

" you should've thought about soonyoung's saftey when you did that" jeonghan spat.

Seungcheol felt guilt creep onto him but he wasn't backing down... not when he did the right thing.

"I did and I also thought about the lives of hundreds of children!" he retorted.

Jeonghan sighed as he raised his hands "that's even worse, how cna you do that to him?!"

"That blast could've killed soonyoung!"

"but it didn't!" seungcheol said his veins popping.

"It didn't kill soonyoung so why are you angry at me!" seungcheol shouted hus hands turning black.

Jeonghan's eyes widen as he saw Seungcheol's pale hands cracking as thick black liquid fell from the gaps.



Suddenly black spikes came from the floor as Seungcheol's eyes turned black his teeth gritting.

"Jeonghan look out—"

Seungcheol was snapped out of it when jisoo suddenly pushed jeonghan out of the room the black spikes peirced the floor.


Seungcheol's eyes widen as it turned back normal his dark pupils turned brown as he looked at the scene bewildered.

Jisoo was holding jeonghan as the rest entered the room pushing to see the commotion.

"seungcheol what the hell?!" jisoo shouted as he looekd at seungcheol with scared and anvry eyes.


"you could've killed him!"

"I-I didn't mean to"

"hyung what?"

Seungcheol snapped his head to look at the youngests their eyes showed horror and fear as tgey backed away when Seungcheol tried to go near them.

"hyung please leave"

Seungcheol's pupils shook as he ehard the words that left chan's mouth.

In which Seungcheol is a bottomWhere stories live. Discover now