Order In the Court

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The buzzing sound of numerous people filled the big court room as the battle of the century took place.

Hundreds of citizens watched in anticipation as they witnessed live the battle of koreas two most powerful men.

"order in my court! order in my court! " the judge shouted as he hit his little wooden hammer.

The room fell quiet as they stared at the young judge who stood upon them his glasses falling softly on his button nose his lips formed into a small frown.

"you don't have to dress up channie your appa is just being a dick" one who wore a blue suit his soft curly black hair falling onto his eyes his cherry lips pouting as his arms crossed.

"this wouldn't be happening if you had just taken my last name" the blonde on the other side of the room grumbled as he and the black haired male shared a look both obviously not backing down.

"over my dead body" the other hissed.

"a fight to the death?"

"a fight to the death"

"appa, dad please stop it" chan said as he massaged his temples his parents both stood upon him both sporting annoyed looks.

"what he started it!" Yoon Jeonghan the playboy millionaire said as he pointed at his fiancé accusingly.

"the son of bitch"

"oh please, you were asking for it" Choi Seungcheol koreas sweetheart scoffed.

not so sweet for a very soft title.

Both snapped their heads at each other as they growled.

"Order in my court! order in my—"


"We get it kid, you're a law student just get on with it" a small goblin who stood behind seungcheol shouted as he mumbled a few curse words.

"stop being grumpy uncle jihoon" chan said as jihoon only flipped his off chan sending an offended gasp.

"Is this about something?" the man  beside his other parent 'uncle jisoo' asked as chan snapped his head

"This is about everything!" chan hissed.

"this trial will decide whether which of my parents will take each others surname, in my opinion they should just create a new name but that requires a lot of money and paperwork" chan said.

Jisoo looked at chan unamused.

"Again is this about something?"

Chan just scoffed as he shook his head hitting his hammer.

"uncle, uncle, uncle" chan tsked.

Jisoo again looked at him unamused before sighing.

"Alright the prosecutor may call its furst witness" chan said motioning to seungcheol.

"very well I'd like to ask jihoon as my first witness" seungcheol said as jihoon stood up and walked to the podium wearing gucci slides and a sweatshirt many sizes to big for him.

"very inappropriate dress wear but continue" chan commented as seungcheol coughed.

"alright mr. Kwon as my best friend oelase tell everyone as to why Mr. yoon should have my last name" seungcheol started.

"well seungcheol" jihoon started.

" jeonghan is a bottom which is proven by fanfictions I read on twitter and ao3, he is a soft hearted nerd who falls in love with badboy seungcheol after he saved him from bullies" jihoon said as the people all mumbled.

In which Seungcheol is a bottomWhere stories live. Discover now