El Filibusterismo

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"I talked to a friend"

The sounds of waves filled Seungcheol's ears as the boat shifted the soind of the paddle hitting the water made Seungcheol's heart hurt.

"He said he'll take you in and you can stay with him"

He felt tears brim his eyes.

He wanted to cry.

He wanted to shout to tell the world how unfair it is, how cruel they are for making him suffer like this.

"You can go to San diego, have a new life"

Seungcheol clutched his chest.

"... come with me... please"

He croaked out tears finally fell from his eyes as he stared at the man infront of him.

The boat stopped and along with it Seungcheol's breath.

"please... jeonghan"

Seungcheol wanted nothing but the best for his country for his people, he wanted to be successful to make schools for his people.

But he was betrayed.

He was imprisoned, wrongly accused.

"I can't... seungcheol" said jeonghan as he continued to paddle until they were no longer seen form the bay.

"please jeonghan, come with me w-we can escape-we can go far away where no one woudl hurt us...w-we can escape as brothers please jeonghan.... don't leave me"

Seungcheol clutched jeonghan's hand his tears dropping onto his palm as he pleaded for jeonghan to escape with him, to go to a different country, to survive together.

Jeonghan bit his lip as he continued to row.

"I can't-"

"but they'll kill you!"

Jeonghan's eyes widen as he stared at seungcheol who's tears streamed endlessly his cheeks flushed.

"they'll-they'll take you away, Jeonghan.... they'll torture you" seungcheol mumbled.

He felt rage engulf him, he wanted jeonghan to survive, escape with him and live happily.

He wanted jeonghan to be with him.

Because if he left him.

Jeonghan will die.

Die in the hands of the preist, die without any justice for his family, die without getting to see him.

"I can't live with that, I can't live knowing that the person who saved me and risked everything for me died because of me" seungcheol sobbed.

".... seungcheol"

The moment was cut short when they reached the other part of the river which were flodded with guards.

Jeonghan immediately pushed seungcheol to the bottom of the boat and covered him with hay telling him to keep quiet.

"Where are you headed?" the guard asked.

"I'm just making a delivery sir" jeonghan said as he glaned at the mountain of hay.

The guard seemed to have bought the. lie and let jeonghan in.

"Hey be careful around here" he said and jeonghan looked at him.

"the church said a prison escaped, they're giving a prize money for whoever was to bring him in" the guard said chuckling.

"what did the prisoner look like?" jeonghan asked to seem less suspicious.

"He was a young boy probably in his 20s, he had curly hair amd round glasses, the jury said he had quite big lips and eyes" the guard continued to explain the prisoner.

"anyways be careful young man, I'll see you around" the guard bid goodbye and so does jeonghan.

Seungcheol poked his head from the hay and sat quietly.

"are you sure you don't want to come with me?" seungcheol asked again.

Jeonghan sighed.

"I can't, seungcheol" he said.

"but why-jeonghan why can't you ocme with me why can't you just escape with me"

"Because you'll die!!" jeonghan snapped.

"Once they find out I'm gone they'll suspect us, they'll kill both of us!"

"Then why do you advice me to go away?!" seungcheol sobbed as tears yet again flowed through his cheeks.

"because in some other country, you could be happy while I could not"

Seungcheol looked up and stared at jeonghan who also had tears in his eyes.

"because you are not made for suffering"

Suddenly the two heard guards shout as lights were flashed to them.

"shit" jeonghan cursed as he immediately pushed seungcheol down and hid him again in the hay.

"keep quiet don't breath" he instructed.

He removed his shirt as he readied himself to jump.

"we'll meet again in noche buena in the grave of your father" he said before jumping head first onto the freezing ocean.

"Iligtas mo ang iyong sarili señor"

Seungcheol closed his eyes as he tried to drown the sounds of shouting and gunshots.

He stayed in th boat for 3 hours letting it float at the river before finally getting up from the hay and looking down at the water.

The water that was stained with blood.

Seungcheol's breathe hitched as he closed his eyes, he sighed as tears streamed down his cheeks as he readied himself to a new start.

A new life as Simoun

A/N: we were supposed to read filipino literature and i came across a fanart of Elias and ibarra and got curious and now here I am crying

In which Seungcheol is a bottomWhere stories live. Discover now