Chapter Six

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Shawn slipped into the garage, hopefully unnoticed. There were no officers in the area. They probably just thought that nobody would want to steal these particular cars, let alone know the codes to get in. The garage did lead to the parking lot, so it would be hard to get to the large door without being stopped by the police. Visitors weren't even allowed anywhere downstairs, so they must have thought nobody could get close enough to steal them unless they were trusted. There weren't even any cameras.

Shawn saw a small box next to where he had come in. He wrapped his hand in his sleeve and opened it. After looking through it, he found the keys to the Blue Sedan. It was almost as if they wanted the cars to be stolen, seeing as it was so easy for him. If it really was this simple, maybe the Santa Barbara Police Department wasn't as good as they seemed.

He opened the car and looked through it. In the back seat there was a black hoodie and a mask. They were probably from the person who had stolen the car in the first place. The police left them in the car, most likely to keep the evidence in one place. Shawn put the hoodie and mask on. If anybody recognized the car as being evidence, he couldn't have them knowing it was him in it. He'd either get shot by Rollins, or arrested and an innocent person would get shot. He always thought that he would be the person to be his usual self and die rather than commit crimes, but being shot once showed him how traumatizing that could be. It was stupid as well, big headed. Rollins would still be out there anyways, so what would the point be?

He opened the garage door that led outside and looked around. Nobody was in the parking lot, and there was a back entrance in his view. He turned back and started the car. He drove it right outside, then went and closed the door. He quickly sped away toward the place he'd been shot, where Rollins would meet him the next day.

He was nearly there when he decided to make a turn off the road. He got out of the car and looked at it. There had to be a reason it was being stolen. After checking it for a few minutes, he was about to give up, but then he saw something on one of the tires. He stuck his pinky finger in it and tasted it.

Drugs. They were being smuggled in the tires. Shawn looked at all the other tires, but they seemed be in just the one. Rollins and Longmore must want them. Luckily, they didn't say anything to Shawn about them. Because of that, he hopefully wouldn't be punished for what he was about to do.

He opened the trunk of the car, where he'd seen tools and a spare tire earlier. Using the tools, he removed the tire and replaced it. After throwing the drug-filled tire far into the woods, he got back into the car and drove the rest of the way to the rendezvous point.

Once he was there, he hid it behind one of the trucks. He did have to walk back to the police station, but it was thankfully only a few miles away.

It had been around an hour since he left when he got to the station. Once inside, Gus came to him immediately.

"Shawn!" He said. "You clear your head enough? Because I think you're going to need to have another vision. That Blue Sedan was just discovered missing. Someone stole it. The Chief asked for you at the garage."

"Thanks," Shawn gave Gus a fake smile. "Come on, let's see if there's anything there."

They walked down to the evidence area and went into the garage. Chief Vick, Lassiter, Juliet, and some other cops were there.

"Oh, Mr. Spencer, there you are," Chief Vick said. "You want to help us with this case? It's so sudden and we don't know why it was stolen."

"Wait," Shawn raised a hand to his head. "I am sensing that this car was driven out, not pulled. Whoever took it got to the keys. And...I'm turning...I'm part of the car, and I'm turning..."

"The wheels?" Juliet suggested.

"Yes, the wheels," Shawn nodded. "No, wait, just one...there's something in it...drugs."

"Well, that's possible," Lassiter confirmed. "We didn't get a chance to thoroughly search the car, we were going to when we found out it was gone. All we know is what we saw when we looked in the seats when we took it."

"That's all I'm getting, sorry," Shawn put his hand down and began to walk out with Gus. He couldn't give any other clues, or else Gus would ask how he knew. Worse, he could get caught and accused of commiting the crime, which was something he couldn't get out of since he actually did. He couldn't lead them to the culprit since it was him.

"Okay, Mr. Spencer, there is another job for you," Chief Vick called out. "You'll have to go undercover at the business the car was from." Shawn stopped walking. It could be dangerous, but he had to find out why Rollins wanted the car. He had to have known about the drugs somehow. He honestly couldn't focus on anything but Rollins, seeing as his life was being controlled.

"Alright," Shawn smiled. They'd think it was just because he liked to go undercover, but he was actually eager to find information about the men who were taking his life away from him. "What will my cover story be? Soupcan Sam could just walk into the wrong place at the wrong time."

"No, you're going to be a new hire," Chief Vick explained. "You'll 'accidentally' let slip to one of the workers who we think is involved that you've dealt with drugs in the past. Hopefully they'll let you in on whatever they're doing. You'll have an earpiece and you'll have to plant a camera in the room when they tell you what their business is really about."

"Okay, when do I start?" Shawn asked.

"We'll get you in, but the shift you'll have will be the night shift," Lassiter replied. "You'll most likely start tomorrow night."

"Okay, got it," Shawn turned and walked back to the exit. "I think I've done as much as I feel comfortable with the first day back. I'm going to head home."

It was already four in the afternoon, and, even on his motorcycle, it would take him twenty minutes to get home. He would need all the rest he could get to get up early the next morning and walk back to where the car was. If he brought his motorcycle, somebody could recognize it and follow him.

With that, he drove home.

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