Chapter 15 : An Unexpected Twist

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A helicopter flew over the walls of London, as the council was assembling for an open discussion. The sun was high in the sky and birds flew away from the flying vehicle.
In the great assembling hall of the royal palace were eight senators and the king of England sitting in a circle. In front of them was a round table with a spread out map. The King of England was sitting at one end with a crown on his hand and a red-white mantle hanging down from his shoulders onto the floor.
"Now, dear Senators, let us begin." Opened the King their meeting.
"Today I have assembled all of you, because there is important business to be discussed. For that I have asked Redmond to speak." The King looked at the door, which was opened just when he stopped talking. 
Through the opening doors Redmond stepped in. His skin was as pale as always and he had bandages wrapped around his arms and parts of his head. Redmond walked a little crooked, suggesting he still hasn't fully healed yet.
"Thank you, your grace. I'll start right away." 
Redmond moved slowly around the circle of people, while beginning to speak. 
"As most of you are aware, we have discovered another Elementalist. One of our own, hiding amongst us. Until finally revealing himself. We tried capturing him, but as of now he is still free outside these walls. This boy, with the power to destroy a nation with the move of his palm, is accompanied by a group of friends. If we have counted correctly, it would be four to be exact. Three male and one female. Three of which have abandoned their families and are officially still missing. We have taken care of these matters. For the forth person, the young man with white hair, much is unknown. We will keep you updated on that specific topic. Back to the point, James, the Elementalist, was last seen with his group of friends in a small village three days by foot away. There we encountered them by accident. They managed to escape and headed south. That was less than 24 hours ago. Search parties have been sent looking for them as we speak. 
The problem about all of this is, once they leave our borders, we cannot captured them without permission. If they were to sail to the nearest land, they would arrive at the lands of Cyrus."
Redmond paused for a second and swallowed.
"We need you to sign this document..." As he was speaking a few servants entered the room and handed out papers to each senator.
"By signing this document, you agree for a national meeting of all European countries to discuss this very matter. Because this group of young men and women are dangerous and ought to be dealt with as soon as possible. For our survival and future of mankind we must act."
Once the papers were handed out, the senators started reading and then ultimately signing, except for one woman. She dropped her pen and looked at Redmond.
"Before I sign this, I want to know about this one girl. She is his sister, if I am not mistaken. What is the situation with her?"
"Currently she is being held captive in a secured prison. Where exactly I cannot say. But what I can say is, she is only an assurance that we get this Elementalist. He is out there trying to save her and if he finds her, we will be there and take him captive. A bait, if you were to put it in simple words."
The woman was flipping her pen in her hands as she was listening.
"And holding an innocent young woman is not a problem?"
"I can assure you, there will be no harm given to her. She is only the bait and once we have him, she is free to go."
"Very well. I will trust you. No harm will be done to an innocent person." 
Redmond nodded.
She stopped moving her pen and signed the document.
The King smiled in delight. Behind him was Zenkai standing in the shadows. Even he, who is covered in black bandages, was smiling joyfully.
It is all going accordingly, just as I have foreseen it. Thought Zenkai to himself.
"That would be everything about this specific topic, now we continue with project E."

The roaring flames burst through the wood around me, as I marched up the stairs. My burning red hair waved in the air and the sun set behind me on the horizon. All the pirates stared at me with open wide eyes. I saw their fear in their eyes. In the back I saw Toshiro and Michael looking at me, but not with fear rather with happiness. 
"Now... who wants to burn?" I looked at them condescendingly.  
They started to walk backwards. 
"Escaping won't do. But if you don't want to engage..."
I charged forwards and punched the nearest pirate directly in his stomach. Flames burst through his body out of his back. The pirate immediately fell to the floor and died from my flames. 
All other pirates were shaking. 
I looked in Toshiro's eyes, he looked into mine. Then I pointed with my eyes behind him. Toshiro nodded meaning he understood.
I put my gaze back on the frightened pirates. The flames around me grew larger and became hotter. I lifted my arms behind me, flames swirled around my arms and then pushed them frontwards. A massive fire wave came bursting out of my limbs directly towards my enemies. 
Toshiro reacted immediately by turning towards Michael, grabbing him by the shoulder and jumped over board. 
The pirates before me got burned to dust. Everything in front of me got burned away, the wood, the lying bodies and all the other pirates. But once the flames cleared away and the smoke decreased, one pirate was still standing. A pirate with an eyepatch, black beard and a curved sword in front of him. That very sword absorbed the flames and only small particles of smoke came flowing out of it. 
My eyes widened in shock. How did he block my attack? Is he an Elementalist? 
"Haha, you are probably wondering how I managed to block your flames, when I see that expression of yours." The one-eyed pirate laughed.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Ironic of you to ask. I could ask the same thing. But I am starting to realize, how little you know. If you want, I can educate you a little bit... but for that..." He turned sideways and parried Jones' attack. His sword and Jones' axed clashed together.
"... You mustn't attack me." He smiled.
The pirate released the axed from his own blade and kicked him directly in Jones' stomach and then swung his sword from right targeting his neck. Jones blocked his attack successfully with his axed, but he left the pirate another opening to ram his foot into Jones' face, making him tumble backwards and fall into a hole.
"So ... where were we?"

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