Chapter 1 : Friends

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It was a beautiful Monday morning. I was late for school and had to race, if I wanted to arrive at my first lesson in my new grade at time. Also today for the first time my sister Lisa and I are going to be in one school. Since her School closed due to financial problems she had to change schools, leaving her no choice, but to go to mine as a ninth grader. 

"Hopefully it goes well and there won't be any problems showing up" I thought to myself.
I looked at my watch. 07:58.
"I need to go faster!" 
I raced down the main road, turned a sharp right and passed through an intersection.  After that I had to quickly ride through a short cut alley, so I could make it in time. It was very narrow so I had to be careful not to crash into any trash bins or containers. Once out I could see the school already. 
bell sound
"Oh that's my signal." I rushed to the bicycle parking space, parked my bicycle and sprinted towards my class.
Once in front of my classroom door I held for a second, took a deep breath and entered.
The classroom was quite big, one of the largest in our school. It was really crowded and the teacher hadn't arrived yet. 
"Ey, James! There you are! I was wondering what happened to you."
"Hey Jones! I overslept, like usual." I said while laughing.
"Of course you did! It's not like someone could stop you on your way to school. You're like the toughest guy I know."
"That would be flattering, if you knew many people." 
"Sadly true, haha." 
We bumped fists and went to our table, where we met Michael.
"Long time no see, James. Did you get taller or something?"
"I wouldn't really know. It's good to see you too. How you holding up with your new family?"
Michael had a real tough childhood so far. He doesn't know his parents or any family members. He lived his first part of his childhood in an orphanage. Then he continued switching families very often for different reasons. He rarely knew why they didn't want him. Poor guy! 
"So far so good. Until now they still want me and that's what counts!"
"Very optimistic and that's all good, but have you guys heard of Sasha?" Replied Jones.
"I just telephoned with her yesterday. Her mother is giving birth, so we'll probably see her tomorrow."
"Ah okay. We will see if she treats her sister the same how she treats us!" Laughed Jones.
"I hope not. I don't want her hitting her little sibling because he or she did something stupid. I..."
I got interrupted as our history Teacher Mrs. Peterson came through the door into our classroom.
She had long brown hair, glasses and wore a red dress. From all our teachers she is definitely the nicest. She went to her table, put her books and sheets down and then started speaking:
"Good morning pupils. Before I start with our first lesson of this semester, I'd like to announce our new student who will be joining our class from here on out. Mr. Takahashi, would you like to introduce yourself?"
A few tables away a boy with shining long silver hair got up from his chair.
"Yes. My name is Toshiro Takahashi. I am eighteen years-old and come from Japan. I still learn English, so I try my best to understand you!" 
His Japanese accent made it hard to understand him, but otherwise he seemed like a nice guy,    I thought to myself.
"And we will try our best to make you feel welcome in our class. Please be seated!"
First he didn't understand, but when she showed with her eyes that she meant for him to sit down, he did as he was told.
"So, our first topic for this semester are the Elementalists. First what do we already know about them? Any hands?"
immediately the two hands of our most gifted students in our class were lifted in the air. Justin and Becka. Very smart students indeed. A lot of people don't like them because of their lifestyle only to learn things for school and doing nothing else with friends. But I didn't care enough to be mad about something like that. 
"Nobody else? You pupils know this, this is basic knowledge!" She said still in a calming nice way with a hint of anger. 
"Fine, then. Becka!"
"Thank you! 10 000 years ago an asteroid hit earth containing alien life, the Erians. As they started spreading around the continent they finally met with us humans. They fought for many years. In the end the humans lost the final battle, but one man managed to assassinate their king. In order to survive and return to the remainder of human kind, he ate the king, which gave him new powers. Once he returned to his people, he showed them his powers and convinced them to fight yet another battle. With this gift they won against the Erians, forcing them to retreat. After the war this man named himself King Cyrus, conquer of the World. His wife gave birth to six children. Three boys and three girls. Each one possessed the power of one Element. Fire, water, earth, air, ice and lightning. 8 000 years ago after Cyrus' death they managed to divide the land into six parts, giving each child one kingdom to rule. Mizuo, with the power of water, ruled America. Yakedo, with the power of fire, he ruled Africa. Kaze, with the power of air, ruled Europe. Petra, with the power of earth and stone, ruled Asia. Pagos, with the power of ice, ruled Antarctica. And finally Katai, with the power of lightning, ruled Australia. After that..."
"Becka, maybe somebody else would like to say something as well? You don't have to say everything."
Becka nodded. "Of course."
Mrs. Peterson looked around the room. "Alfred! Please continue the story!"
Alfred is an average boy in our class, who likes to play football and draw, but has never been very keen on expressing himself in class.
He grunted, but did as he was told.
"The six nations managed to keep peace for one-thousand years, but then Yakedo wanted more power and challenged his siblings to a duel, to find out who is the strongest among them. When none of them accepted this challenge, he started to attack the other nations. This caused the
50-year World War. For the survival of human kind, each nation betrayed their king or queen and killed them. All except for Katai and her nation, they didn't fight in the war and continued to live in peace."
Mrs. Peterson smiled at him.
"Yes, indeed they did. Well done! Does somebody have anything to add?"
Nobody raised their hands. Everybody didn't really seem interested in retelling history everyone knew about. So I raised my hand.
"Yes, James!"
"The loss of the kings and queens gave the Erians an opportunity to rebuild. And so all five nations had to give up a lot of land. Katai's bloodline was the only defence left for humanity, which helped us keep our capitals in tacked. Then one-hundred years ago with the development of weaponry humans with the help of Katai's decedents started taking back land. Again there was a great battle. But this time nobody won. Both sides had huge losses, leading both of them to retreat. To protect their land, humans built walls all around their big cities. Towns and villages who couldn't afford these walls had to live on their own terms. Since then we have never seen an Erian. Most of us don't even know how they look like."
"Correct, James. The rich protect themselves in the walls while the poor have to survive out there in the wild. A horrible thing to do to our own kin. Does anybody want to say something else?"
Nobody had something to add. So she continued with the story.
"After the fall of the five siblings 7000 years ago, the Elementalists were almost extinct. The children of the royal family, the sons and daughters of Kind Cyrus, didn't have any of their power and as you already know, only Katai the lightning Elementalist was still standing. She lived another hundred years and then died peacefully in her sleep. She was the only one who managed to pass on her powers over generations while keeping peace with other nations and helping the other nations defending their homeland. But sadly nine years ago in the civil war of Australia her whole bloodline was massacred and thereby the Elementalists as their power goes are extinct."
I looked around. Most of my comrades looked bored. But I was excited. The Elementalists were always so fascinating. I was so very disappointed when mother told me they had gone extinct.
"Okay class! Let us now continue with new information, let us talk about the religion that worshiped the Elementalists."
Everybody sighed. 

After the lesson I rushed out of class to meet my sister Lisa. I was walking down the corridor, when I saw her talking with a boy her age. 
Oh no, this isn't good at all, I thought to myself. I walked faster in their direction.
"Hey Lisa!"
She turned around and smiled at my appearance. 
"Oh hey James! It's so good to see you!" She hugged me.
"How you holding up? Do you have new friends already?"
"So many new friends! One of them is right here! James, this is Brad. He has offered himself to be my guide! How cool is that?" 
I frowned and narrowed my eyes while looking at Brad.
"Is that so? Nice to meet you, Brad." I said in a slow, deep voice, while shaking his hand.
"Hi, James. I... " He stopped as I was shaking his hand. "Strong grip, bro."
"Thank you. But don't ever call me "bro". You understand?"
"Of course, sir!" he stared at me in fear.
I sighed and turned back to Lisa.
"Looks like you are doing just fine. See me if you need anything."
"I will. Thanks!"
I walked back to my class. While walking I was thinking about this guy. Who does he think he is? If he just much touches her in any sexual way, I'll kill him! I also need to keep an eye on her. I don't want her to experience what almost happened to Sasha. Oh I remember that day, as if it was only yesterday. It was three years ago.

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