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Boun pov.
I fell asleep in pain but happy because I was in good hands.
I knew Prem would be up all night even though I told him not to worry.
an episode happened during this long night that made me realize how special and loving he is as a person:
(it's about 2 in the morning my stomach, despite the painkiller, it hurt I felt like they were hitting me again and in my head I saw the flashes of kicks and punches, I start to sweat cold but here I feel a warm hand slowly wiping my forehead and the other hand that gently caressed mine resting on my abdomen
Prem: shhhh calm down everything is ok no one will hurt you anymore, I have already applied the cream give it time to take effect I know you can handle it
I calmed down immediately and immediately accepted those reassuring words from him and the pain begins to turn into nothing less than peace.
before falling asleep, however, I hear from Prem the last sentence that I never wanted to hear from him
Prem: it's all my fault
beyond that sentence it was inevitable that I also heard irregular breaths as if he were crying but for me it is too hard to stay awake and gradually I fell asleep.)
the next morning....
I woke up still a little sore but not like yesterday, Prem is not in the room with me but I feel a very pleasant smell to continue from the kitchen and getting up with great difficulty I understand that Prem is cooking breakfast.
I approach and feel that pleasant smell that became a stench of burning, I approach and notice the pot going up in flames and Prem asleep on his feet ... I throw myself at him to move him away from the flames that were rising almost touching his face , taking him by the hips, I lose my balance and we fall to the ground and I feel an aching pain
Boun: ahhhhhhhhhh mmmmmm
Press visibly frightened by my scream opens his eyes and runs to put out the fire.
Prem: thank god nothing serious happened .... BOUN !!!!
he reaches down with his arms out to grab me, pulls me up and sits me down.
Prem: are you okay? oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you
Boun: I'm not the one who was going to go up in flames ... I'm fine I just hit the side .... it's not your fault ..
in that instant our eyes could not detach themselves from each other
I saw a whole world in those eyes a world of pain and happiness but above all a world full of US.
getting up half a centimeter from the chair our lips touched and from then on it was a long passionate kiss and I felt like the earth had stopped .... I had my confirmation that Prem was the right person for me .
after we parted I noticed his dark circles and as if nothing had happened he makes me sit down he collapses to the ground puts his head on my knees and closes his eyes with a smile on his face
Boun: not sleeping like this will hurt your back, neck and-
Prem: I want to be here with you so forever no matter the pain if you are with me, now let me sleep
once i saw that he was sound asleep i took him to bed and wrapped him in the blankets i lay down next to him and caress his hair, so soft
Boun: you must be so tired ... * I give him a kiss on the forehead * sweet dreams
I hear a click of a phone and I am dazzled by a light of a flesh
I turn around and see Fluke, Ohm and looking a little further I see manaow with the phone in his hand, evidently he had taken a picture.

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