Falling Apart

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 You walked out of the doors of your new job and inhaled the fresh air. How could so much have already happened in less than 24 hrs? You massaged your brain, trying to take in everything that happened. You pulled out your phone and typed "bars near me" in Google. After looking at your phone for a few minutes you turned on your heels and started walking.

You opened the door and went straight to the bar.

"You look like you need a pick-me-up," the bartender said

"Yeah, I most certainly do. Get me a shot of your strongest tequila"

The bartender grabbed a shot glass and started to pour the drink.

"Actually, I'll take three shots."

The bartender nodded and grabbed two more glasses, "drink up!"

You downed the shots immediately feeling better. You had to keep your eye on the prize. If you got too distracted by this 'Griffin' boy then you would have to suck it up and work around the issue. You took out your phone to call someone and realized you had no one to call. Bebe was terrible with advice and besides her, you didn't have any friends. You slumped in your seat and started crying. The alcohol was definitely kicking in.

The bartender came back to take your glasses.

"All good over here?" He looked up and saw your mascara running and eyes welling with tears.

"No! I moved here like three fucking weeks ago and I finally got my dream job but then somehow I fucked a celebrity and that celebrity is my coworker and now my life is going to shit"

The bartender sat there baffled. "Do you want me to get an Uber?"

"I'm a mother-fucking woman, I'm more than capable of getting a cab"

You slid off the barstool and walked out of the bar. Once you got into your car you chugged some water and fixed your make up. 'Your such a wreck' you said to yourself. 

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