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You wake up to the ringtone of your phone blaring through the speaker. You find your phone and check the caller ID. It was Bebe. You roll your eyes and pick up the phone.

"Hi!" you say trying to sound like you didn't just wake up.

"Hey babe, I'm outside your house lets go grab some brunch"

"What? Right now?"


"Um ok, see you in a sec"

You hung up the phone and started sifting through your closet for an outfit. Why was Bebe constantly setting up hangouts without letting you know in advance. You threw on a black crop top with some jeans and grabbed your purse. As you exited your apartment you checked yourself out and locked the door. 

"Hey, sexy" Bebe laughed as she unlocked the door.You crawled in and Bebe started the ignition.

 Bebe parked at a small cafe and opened your door for you. You eagerly ordered a large black coffee with a lemon cake. 

"What's up, Hunny?" Bebe asked as soon as you two sat down.

You figured it couldn't hurt to confide in Bebe, plus you really to talk to someone.

"Well I mean I finally landed the part, but the boy. . ."

"You had sex with him, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah! But that's not the point...he's my coworker."

"WHAT?! Omg, that's AMAZING."

"No nooooo its not, Bebe"

 "Well, I think I have something that could help you" Bebe smiled and grabbed my hand.

"I can't imagine what you could possibly gift me"

Bebe opened her hand a released a set of keys in your hand.

"Bebe, I don't need a car."

"These don't go to a car, babe"

"BEBE ARE YOU JOKING?!?!"Your eyes widened.

 She laughed hysterically and gave you a huge hug.

" My father has a house that he's no longer using not too far from here. I talked to him and we both agreed that it can be yours" 

Your jaw dropped. There's no way you can accept a HOUSE as a gift. 

"Don't even think about rejecting the offer, we both know you deserve it."

"Bebe, I can't stress it enough..THANK YOU!!" 

You both laughed and enjoyed your coffee.

When you got home you called U-Haul to get a truck to help you move all your belongings. This seemed so unreal. Your life was a complete wreck, but at the same time, you were living a dream. You laughed to yourself as you packed one of the last boxes. You grabbed the tape as you heard a knock at the door. 'Now what?', you thought to yourself. When you opened the door it was Griffin. 

"Hi, you left these at my place," he said smiling as he lifted up your underwear.

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