Story Info

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I think I should explain the story a bit more.....

Izuku and Uraraka started dating a little bit before the Overhall arc. He cot her cheating with Iida about 2 weeks before the end of their 1st year. Izuku leaves to America after those 2 weeks. I don't see him just up and leaving in the middle of the year, so he's going to stay for the 2 weeks of hell. (I'm going to be doing their school year how it is like in the U.S because I'm lazy sorry -_-)

Iida and Uraraka started sperding the lies about him, for about 3 weeks before he found them out. It started as little then got big as time went on. Thay all so start complaining about him when he's not around at thw same time too.

Their are very few people in 1-a who think Iida and Uraraka are full of shit.
Them being....
Kaminari (His a bit on the fence, you'll find out how later)
Bakugou (I don't think he would believe the bullshit, because he's known Izuku sense they were kids so he would know him better than anyone, also Big Bro Bakugou fight me)
The teachers wont believe it either, and try to stop the roomers but It doesn't go so well.

Their are others Out side of 1-a who don't believe it either, a lot more then 1-a...
Mei Hatsume
The Big 3
Kota ( He's at the school to help with Eri so she use to being around other kids. Under Azawa's custody at the moment)

Also ships... other than the ones you know of....
Bakugou x Kirishima
Jiro x Kaminari
Todoroki x Momo
Ashido x Sero
Tokoyami x Tsuyu
Ojio x Hagakure

Izuku and Hitoshi (Shinsou) are brother's and did live in the same house before they moved to the Dorms. Hioshi is in 1-a and his hero name is MindBrake. They are related to Tk through there Dad and his mom. They are in contact with him and tell him what is going on.

Hitoshi's Mom does not have custody of him, because she's a drug acidic. Their Dad did not have anifar!!! Hitoshi's Mom (I'm going to call her Koyko) was a close friend to Inko and when they found out that Koyko's husband was infertile, Koyko ask if Hisash would donat. So he did after taking about it with Inko. Koyko husband did not okya it. So Koyko made him think it was his, so when he found out the tureth he was mad, and everything went down hill. In the end Inko and Hisash got custody Hitoshi.

Hisash Midoriya is the #4 hero in America by the name of Dragon. Hisash is half American and Japanese, so thats why he is in the U.S. (Dad Japanese, Mam American).

485 words!!

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