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(((WARNING; sex gore killing suicide rape action horror and romance and other mature audience stuff inside this book!! YOUVE BEEN WARNED IF YOU ARENT 15+ I wouldn't advise anyone under that age to read this book!)))

From the beginning my fate was already written in time,

The skies were covered in black smoke. Buildings aflamed from the attempted missiles from the jets that flew overhead. Priya Elmer was just in a conference meeting with her dad, at the New York police station. Her dad was having a private meeting on how to control the protests outside, on the banding of the anti-virus vaccinations for the ZH virus. Little 16 year old priya didn't know how to react, the conference room was filled with cops, there was a tv on the other side of the long table the Chanel 6 news was on, the cops were arguing with her dad about where to station each other at which parts of the city and streets. Their loud voices made 16 year old priya to shrink in her chair next to her dad. She could feel the tension building between the officers arguements it made her want to disappear from it all, since she suffered PTSD anxiety and depression. She never did well with loud sounds or even arguing, she would always think back on that day.

    She sat there in her chair next to her dad, she felt nauseous from all the deep voices around her causing her to want to vomit from the anxiety building in her stomach. Then it happened- the whole side of the building exploded to the right of them! The windows exploded with full force the glass shards flew across the room and onto the officers cutting everyone in its path up!


      Priya got flown Across the room along with the officers, priya held her hands over her head as she hit the ground. She groaned shifting in place she had landed against the wall to the left from the impact explosion. She knelt on her knees slowly trying to stand up, a trickle of blood seeping it's way from the right side of her head over her eye down her cheek. She felt her breathing get heavier as she panicked, her hands shaking her ears were ringing, she was panicking as her head swayed slightly, her vision becoming blurry. Her voice croaked as she began screaming for her dad, "PAAAPAAA!!" She could barely see through her blurred vision, she stood up slowly Clenching her fists, other screams echoed throughout the room down the halls, her weary hazel eyes drifted out the broken windows, she there staring down at the streets below, eyes widening with pure fear, horror, as she seen people attacking one another, there was a man with only a single arm eating a women's stomach ripping her to shreds devouring her organs and skin and muscles. Screeching and roses could be heard. Priya began screaming again scared, terrified of what was going on. She was confused.

  "PAAPAAAA PAAAPAAAAAA PLEASE!!! PAAPAA WHERE ARE YOU!!???" The little girl screamed in horror as dead police officers layed around the floor in their own blood, bodies laid everywhere, some bleeding out in their own pool of blood. Others trying to help them out the building. Priya's jeans were ripped from the knees to her ankles, her red sleeveless shirt ripped in different spots, her messy brown hair was pulled in a low ponytail, she rubbed her hazel tearful eyes as she walked slowly through the foggy room. She sobbed and cried for her papa to answer her. "Pleasssee paapaaa please-WHERE ARE YOU PAPAA!" Priya was confused and terrified of what was happening. Half of the room of the building was missing. She found herself walking out the room, she had scrapes and scratches all over her body from the degree flying from the impact explosion.

Priya slowly exited the destroyed torn up-conference room making her way down the steps to the first floor, her small red tennis shoes making the now unsteady steps creak beneath her shoes. She whimpered holding onto the railing for support. As she reached the first Floor, she can see people running for their dear lives, she trembled shaking in pure terror. A man jumped onto another man biting into his neck and screeching in a hopeless hunger, it made her tremble even more in her own clothing. 'What's happening where's papa?!' She thought to herself. Windows were getting smashed in, people running in several directions, a few bodies layed sprowled across the floors. She made her way behind the stairs and sat underneath the stairway hiding in the darkness and shadows of the stairs itself. She hurled her knees to her chest in the farthest corner underneath the steps. She held her hands over her ears crying sobbing, she'd closed her eyes burying them in her knees. She trembled in her own skin, fear, sadness and pain overwhelmed her small form.

That's when a man in a skull mask appeared. The man wore a skull mask that covered his whole head, he had black long sleeves with a black vest on, he wore black jeans and black combat boots-in hand was ak-47 armed and at his side. The man knelt down under the stairs reaching his hand out to the girl, "are you just gonna stay there forever and die or are you gonna let me rescue you?" His voice raspy, deep and almost demonic sounding. He sounded like he was in his early 20's. The little girl called priya opened her eyes tilting her head up towards the man, she scooted against the wall trembling at his mask. She hesitated after hearing his words. The little girl then placed her hands in his, her hazel eyes locking in eye contact through his mask with his brown eyes. The man pulled her towards him, just as he did she turned her eyes through the stairs to see other skull masked men wearing all black skull masks the men were saving citizens and killing off others who seemed to be crazy and eating other people, she turned her gaze back towards her savior and saw his mask was different from the other men's. His mask was white .

"Wh-who are y-y-you?" Priya asked the masked man that was now carrying her princess style. The white masked man walked towards the entrance of the building exiting into the outside world, he drifted his eyes over the scene before him, his men wearing the exact same outfit he was except they had black skull masks were saving civilians and evacuating them to the other half of New York City. There were at least over 500,000 of his men sprawled across the city evacuating the uninflected civilians and killing of the diseased ones. He drifted his brown eyes through his mask towards the girl in his arms tilting his head down at her, "I cannot tell you who I am...but you can call me demon, I've come to save you all from the anti-virus called HZ, I will be the one to save you all from being killed...I'm here to help not to hurt you, don't worry your safe now." She hurled herself against him without a response. Burying her face in the crook of his neck her tears Welled up inside her eyes, they trickled down her cheeks as she sobbed, "I want my paaapaaa~" she sobbed to herself in his arms. The man said nothing and carried her away to safety holding her closely to his chest comforting the girl as much as he could, but very weary to not get so attached to a single civilian. But he knew she was different, the girl in his arms smelled different from the rest of the civilians he had helped.


Prologue hope you like it or LOVE IT!!!☺️👍🏻 I put alot of effort in to this beginning of my book!!! I hope you like it so far!!! Leave comments and please support it!!!


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