White Hacker

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"how is this possible? I thought you died from the virus when i was just a baby? Mom and dad said you passed away, we even held a funeral..Dad said you died when i was just a baby..he'd show me Pictures of you, but i couldnt forget a face id nearly seen in photos everyday." priyas lips quivered, her eyes welped up with tears. A few streams flowed from her blue eyes. She threw her hands around his neck hugging him. Joseph dropped his white mask as it hit the deck, his arms hugging just as tight. "what happened to you? You look like an old man.." she cried softly. He chuckled softly in her ear, "im only 33, not that old." he pulled back looking her in the face, "Theres not enough time to explain, but..dad may be alive. I found a few clues." priyas eyes widened. The earpiece in her ear spoke knocking her out of shock, "pri whats going on why are you hugging him?!" demons voice sounded irritated. Priya chuckled at joseph. Joseph looked in the direction of demons location making direct eye contact with demon through demons mask eyeholes. "tell him he needs to find better hiding spots." demons eyes widened in jealousy. 'how the fuck..' demon thought to himself.

Priya laughed softly then looked at joseph then towards the entrance of the dock seeing kai alex and demon approaching. "demon this is my brother.." pri softly said as demon stopped right in front of joseph. both mens eyes locking, as soon as they made eye contact, it was like watching two dominant tigers growling at each other. Their eyes changed colors. Josephs turned green demons eyes were goldish yellow. "woah your eyes.." priya looked at them both. "yeah pri hes a infected too.. Hes like me he was dying but your father injected him on the brink of deathe and the antivirus healed him..Turning him into a hz.." demon spoke with a growl in his voice. Joseph laughed a little then looking at pri as she approached him. "your telling me dad injected you? And not thinking about the after effects? You couldve died." joseph scoffed gently, "i was already dying pri.. So dad took the risk and saved me." priya jumped back shocked then shouted. "and LOOK WHAT THAT COSTED Him, the whole FUCKING WORLD IS DESTROYED!" joseph replied harshly, after hearing her words "it wasnt dads fault! That was dr.Alexa's fault she released the failed patients and stole the antivirus from dad, and attempted to blow up new yorks police department that day demon saved you..Dad went into hiding leaving demon to look after you, as demon had promised our father. Then i started watching over you and i left the city to go look for dad.. But found nothing four five years until two days ago, i discovered an empty living area in a warehouse with a picture of me holding you with mom and dad standing behind us."

alex and kai stood back watching the whole scene break down, priya sighed shaking her head at the two of the men. Demon swallowed afraid of priyas reaction. "you both lied to me... Again." she began to walk away towards alex , priyas eyes widened," ALEX!" hearing her name her eyes shot towards priya who was bolting to her. "wha-" without finishing her sentence a pair of hands yanked her by the hair towards the ground. Alex hit her ribs on the hard concrete parking lot, her eyes shot open to a horrible looking zombie female staring down at her growling like a starving animal. A few tears left alexs eyes as the zombie bit down on the crease of her neck jumping on the crying girl. All she saw was kai swinging his assault gun to the zombies head killing it with a few shots. His hands threw the gun afterwards, the zombie fell lifelessly to the ground. "alex can you hear me?" kais words escaped his lips through his mouth guard his eyes staring down at her in his arms. Her neck was leaking blood from the bite mark. the corner of her lips drizzled a line of blood down her chin. "pri..Ya.." priya fell to her knees next to her friend. "im here im here alex its okay.." joseph appeared next to pri and kai with demon jogging up behind them. "joseph is there a way to help her please?" priyas eyes flooding with tears, kai held alexs hand in his. Demon stared at priya and alex with no emotion but pitty. "there is a way... But i wont guarantee anything, ive never tried it its only a rumor.." priya shook her head staring down at her friends neck the blood rushing out. "anything please.. We must try.."

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