King vs Demon

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"Demon was given his name because... he was fierce and merciless, he never let anyone see his soft side. He was always about protecting humans...." kai shouted to priya who was shaking from the lightning crackling around demons body. "He's never been soft with any of us.. he saved our lives of course but that doesn't mean he was nice about it. With you priya he's different I can see his humanity... he becomes human when he's around you he develops feelings he has no control of. Your his mate. hybrids are predatory species of humans, we're like a pack of wild animals.." Kai half laughed and shouted to priya who was now staring at him as he held onto Alex gripping her shoulders from the strong gusts of wind who was just shaking and looking at demon. Priya's eyes widen in shock. "Wh-what d-do you mean.. im-I'm his mate?" Priya stuttered. "Your the only person that can stop him from killing everyone because at this point his rage has built up a good amount to the point he's loosing control." Kai Nervously shouted over the thunder echoing their ears. "What you want me to hug him or something? Is that supposed calm him down?" She looked dumbfounded at him with a serious expression. Kai looked at her his face looking shocked and surprised by what she said. "Well yeah idiot why do you think he's always horny and extremely protective of your ass. HE LIKES YOU!" Kai threw his hands up being serious yet in a sarcastic way then grabbed ahold of alex who then clung to kai. "DUH!!" Kai shouted annoyed at priya who was pushing against the street pole to stop herself from sliding from the gusts of wind and lightning that was radiating from demons body, her hair was flipping all over the place from the wind. "WHATS his NAME?!" She shouted to Kai, he then glanced at demon and replied to her shouting back, "DRAKE!" she noded then snapped her head back at demon. He was filled with anger and she could physically feel the hatred he has for this creature they call king who was staring at Drake growling in pure bliss of whatever the creature was thinking of doing to him.

Priya pushed off the street pole giving her a thrust forward, each step she took she slid slightly backwards. Throwing Her hands up, her eyes squinting at drake, she began to push her body forward. as she inched closer to him she reached her hand out to him while calling his name, "Dr-drake...DRAKE!" She continues to reach for him while calling out his name. "DRAKE!!" Drakes body continued to radiate lightning and strong gusts of wind. The creature called king laughed ghoulishly his mouth dripping of blood."IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT BOY!" King laughed like a maniac. Drakes eyes glowed a bright gold tone, removing his mask throwing it to the ground he roared with everything he got, his roar sounded more like a beast warning it's prey yet not to make a move towards his grounds. This was drakes city not his. This is his city. "ILL KILL YOU BASTARD! You ruined EVERYTHING! your a monster.." Drake spit towards king with anger in his tone. The king just laughed and waved his hand up and that's when the zombies around him began charging at Drake in full speed. Growling and roaring could heard as Drake pushed his foot off the pavement vanishing leaving a trace of lightning in his path, pure speed and agility, so much control drakes movements had as he plunged through the army of the dead. Drake reappeared in matter of seconds in front of king leaving trails of beheaded zombies behind him as he stood a mere inch in front of king. The creatures yellow red eyes widened in awe, "you've got guys boy." Kings voice spoke with such pride. "That's the thing king your nothing but guts." He spat back at king. Drakes hand curled into a fist swinging into kings stomach, through the creatures body king gripped drakes hand as if it was nothing but a scratch so ever done to him. King removed drakes arm from his body slamming his knee into drakes stomach sending the boy flying back towards his friends. Drakes body slid on the pavement on his back creating craters and damaged in the ground, the amount of damage to a normal human would've killed instantly and dismembered a regular human. King was dangerous he knew that, but so was drake that's why they called him demon, Drake was like a army of a thousand demons put into one man. He was dangerous just as much as king was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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