5 years later

7 0 1

It's been a good five years since I felt like I was alive, the night sky was dark filled with stars flashing lights danced around me. Music blared into my eardrums with pure excitement. I danced to the beat of the Spanish music-that I don't even know the lyrics to or even understand. All I know is my hips were to the beat of the music. People danced around her, half the city was surrounded by a wall, protecting us from the infections people outside the wall, including bandits and rebels. The group called the skulls have been providing and taking care of us, the only rule is you can never leave the wall, if you leave you can never come back in. The whole area of Manhattan New York was where we stood. The wall protected us but so did the group that runs Manhattan , the skulls. Their leader known as demon, who I met five years ago, he's been guiding us.

Priya smiled dancing to the music swaying her hips in excitement feeling more alive. There's nothing but dancing and the bottle of tequila in her hand. As she took swiggs and danced she threw her body around jumping and laughing drunkishly. The lights flashing reflecting in her drunkened eyes. Her reddish messy hair swaying as she danced. That's when a pair of warm hands gripped her hips she swayed against whoever the man behind her was, with not a care in the world she leaned back resting her back against the mans chest dancing along with his movements. She tilted her eyes up at the crowd who had stopped dancing and were now watching her dance with whoever was behind her. She twirled around coming face to face with a white skull mask. She gulped her finger tips shaking against his chest. He was dressed in his usual outfit black jumpsuit black vest black combat boots and his white skull mask. She panicked the mask let out a breathe of air from the man wearing it. She stared into his yellow eyes, they were too close for comfort. But she's never forget a face as deadly as his. Demon, why was he here. Dancing with her all of a sudden. She shakily stepped back from him, the music kept going. All of a sudden he had gripped her waist pulling her towards him roughly. Her lips inches from his lips of his mask. She gulped again nervous. Not knowing what to do she took another swigg from the tequila and chuckled softly. "What are you doing here dancing with a girl like me?"

"Don't be like that priya, it's been a while since I seen you.. you don't visit me anymore, you used to always run up to me whilst everyone ran from me." Demon whispered against her ear then leaned back to stare back down into her hazel eyes with his brown ones. Priya seemed shook to have seen him there with her. But he wasn't surprised, she always got drunk when she was sad or upset about something. Most teens do. But in this world we live in now it's just another night like every night. A smirk formed under his mask as he held her against him, his free hand sneaking up to the back of her neck as he gently pulled her in for a kiss through his mask-only to be shoved away. He stumbled shortly staring up at her, his two guards caught him before he fell onto the floor, the crowd around the two gasped and backed away scared of what his reaction would be.

Priya glared at him as he stumbled back, "don't ever try that again.. don't you know it's assault kissing a drunk girl without permission." She twirled on her heels leaving the area. She gripped her pants nervously and gulped down the rest of her tequila before breaking the bottle on the cemented wall beside her-tossing it. She came to a street corner, noticing she was at 9th avenue she needed to get to 41st back towards Times Square. That's where she slept in an apartment that was abandoned on the fifth floor. Priya made her way home or new home as she calls it. She was furious and hurt by demons actions tonight. She hasn't seen him in a while due to the fact he took her puppy that he got her for when she was little it had gotten bit, he snapped it's neck right in front of her, it happened weeks ago.

Demon chuckled watching priya walk away from the scenery he stood up fixing himself up. He then began to follow her closely behind as she left the rural area. The music blared and people began dancing away once again as he left to follow her close. He just wanted to make sure she made it home safe. The two guards followed close behind him. Their were plenty of guards spread throughout Manhattan. Protecting watching and observing the civilians that have lived under his rules for five years now. He watched priya make her way through time square and into a an old building. It was a weared down apartment building. He held his right hand up, the guards stood beside the entrance as he made his way inside. He took the stairs to the fifth floor and watch from the last step up as priya closed the door to her apartment room she stayed in, room 142. A small smile formed beneath his mask. He was always fascinated by her, and her scent. She wasn't like the others. She was.. different. Different like himself. He wasn't a human, but he wasn't a zombie either. He was both. He could walk through a field of zombies and be untouched by the waking dead. It was as if the undead were scared of him. Scared of what he was. He was no ordinary hybrid, he was patient zero. And he still is.

Priya yawned as she took her boots, socks off and slipped out her jeans into a pair of shorts. she slipped her jacket off throwing it into a corner and stretched comfortably in the cold air in her bedroom. She sat on the bed looking out the window staring at the wore down city buildings. It began to snow. Soft snow fell against the outside windowceil as she stared out into the litful city. It was beautiful but sad. She wanted to believe that her father was alive somewhere in the city. Maybe outside the walls. She pulled her brown hair into a ponytail and laid down facing the wall. She sighed as she closed her eyes she was drunk and her eyelids felt heavy. She didn't wanna sleep yet. But she couldn't help but lose to her eyes and drift off into the darkness that surrounded her mind.

Demon stood over priya who was fast asleep, he was quite when he entered the room. He gently brushed his gloved leathered fingers across her cheek moving the strands of hair from her soft pink lips. He stared down at her, watching as she slept soundly. He always watches over her. He has been since the day he saved her. Even when she didn't know it growing up the past couple years. He was there in the shadows of the alley ways in the crowd without his mask. Watching and making sure she was okay. No one knew what he looked like without his mask. He was a beautiful man beneath this mask. He knows this. But with the mask he brings apon fear. Fear helps him keep the people of Manhattan under control. It's a source of power he doesn't like to use, but it was necessary. If they even knew what he looked like the city wouldn't be scared of him or follow his rules and start to panic that the city was being ruled by a young man. Demon was pretty tall though, 7'5 which made people think he was older. But they don't even know he isn't human either. That just a bite from his mouth can turn people or worse, kill them instantly.

Demon sighed staring at the beautiful girl he saved years ago, asleep in the safe comfort of the city he built. He gently removed his mask just above his nose, his lips planted a kiss apon her soft skin. He smiled softly letting out a soft breathe of air relieved she was safe because of him, her eyes fluttered open tiredly and he was gone. No where in the room did he leave a single trace of his existence in her room. Priya yawned stretching her limbs and looked around the room, she noticed the window was open. Snow was falling still into the rooms cold wooden floors. She got up to gently close the window her eyes wandered over the outside city. "What has this world come to?"


SB again,

I'm sorry I know another short chapter but I promise I'll do better chapters and longer ones!! Please lmk how you liked this chapter tho! Much appreciated!!


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