Love and Murder Part III

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Homer stared in horror as the man he had loved bashed Ben's head in over and over until all that was left was unrecognisable in the blood. As he watched Ben die, he realised that he had meant more to him than he had ever known. He realised that in all the time he had spent chasing DJ, his one true love had been there all along, and now he was being murdered. Homer grabbed the nearest object he could find, an ornamental swan, and bashed DJ over the head with it, just as he was recovering from his brutal attack on Ben.

DJ fell to the ground, a bloody dent in his head from the swan, and David at once realised what he had done, he dropped the swan and fell to his knees beside DJ, the only person he had left. "No, DJ, no," he said, trying to find his pulse. But it was too late, he had delivered a fatal blow, and now, because of love, he was alone. "Without my loves, how will I live, I cannot go on, it is too much!" he cried then spotted a handy glass of poison on the table where the swan had sat, and with shaky hands, he downed in, and fell to his knees, dying with his true love.

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