The Tech Guy

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Jack Dalton crouched behind the bush fiddling with his machine. It was a new invention of his that he thought had real potential. It could trap, kill and remain undetectable at any time. He would be proud if it worked. One of the main reasons he took this job was the creative liberty it came with. No requests as to how they die. Just kill this group of people as they leave school for lunch. He pulled the gun from the holster on his ankle and inspected it. A simple precaution in case his invention stopped working. He twisted on the homemade silencer and smiled. He was looking forward to testing if his machine worked. 

He had made sure that they were some of the last to leave the building by asking another girl to keep them there for a while. She was unknowingly leading the lambs to the slaughter.

Luke walked into it first. He was deep in conversation with Josh when he just...vapourised. Josh stopped and stared, taking a step back. That was when the group began to panic.

Jack's smile grew wider, he flicked the switch and, unknowing to the mice in the trap, he had sealed off behind them.

Shauna was pushed behind Kai and Emma in the confusion and was pushed a step further into the invisible wall. Vapourising instantly. Emma freaked out when Shauna just disappeared into atoms and yanked Sam behind her. His eyes widened in fear just as he hit the force field, knowing his death was imminent a split second before it happened. Corey tripped and fell in the confusion, hitting the force-field head-on, and he was suddenly gone from existence as if he was never there. Aaron Kinseala's hand swung behind him and without realising, hit the energy. Just that tiny tip of his finger was enough. He didn't even have time to scream before he was non-existent. Aaron Scott stared in horror as his friends disappeared, one by one. He wanted to get out. To survive. And right now, that was all that mattered. His fight or flight kicked in, and he needed a way out. He pulled Josh back toward the corner of the school wall and the force field and pushed him into it, hoping it would show a gap in the energy, a way out.

It didn't, and Josh died with nothing but a gasp.

"Aaron!" exclaimed Jack Clancy, shocked and horrified that he had just seen him kill one of his friends. "Why would you-,  Wha-, Why?" he began, the anger boiling inside him. Without another thought, he pushed Aaron backwards, right into the spot where Josh had been pushed not a moment ago. Aaron wasn't expecting this and his reaction was never seen, his face gone before it could express the emotion of betrayal, guilt, surprise, or even anger.

Jack D., sat back on the dirt and chuckled to himself. People. Getting them to kill each other was often easier than killing them himself.

Jack C. realised what he'd done and put his head in his hands. "Oh my god, what've I done, I killed him."

Unknowing to him, Kai was watching the whole thing and the rage was building inside him. Who was Jack to decide if Aaron should live or die? He pushed Jack backwards, just a step, and he vapourised without another word. Kai was beginning to be fueled by his rage and turned toward Emma. She had killed Sam, so he was gonna kill her. He grabbed her arms but she fought back, both of them in a struggle to push the other out. That was when Julien gave the final shove. 

It looked like Kai was winning, Emma getting closer to where they thought the wall was, so Julien intervened, pushing Kai back, into the energy, vapourising him. When Emma tried to regain her bearings, she tripped forward, accidentally knocking Julien back, killing him instantly.

"Oh my God, Julien, no. What have I done?"

She started to hyperventilate, and pace up and down the length of her trap. How could she get out? There was no-one left. She killed three of them, the others all died too. Now what? 

Jack didn't bother waiting to see what she did, he simply turned the box at an angle, and Emma unknowingly walked right into it, dying before she even realised.

Jack's phone rang just as he began flicking the switches on the box, deactivating the device.

"Well done," she said when he answered.

"You were watching?"

"Always. How does it work? I'm curious."

"Basically it disables the magnetic field holding your atoms together and poof! You're gone."

"That seems a little impossible, we haven't jumped into a Star Wars movie have we?"

"No ma'am, but, as I recall, 15-year-old sociopathic hitmen haven't been around that long either. Just out of curiosity, are you responsible for the other attacks? The park, the train station, and the poison arrows?"

"Who I hire or don't hire is not your concern. But well done on your job, you only have a few more to go before your work is done and your money is coming your way."

"Ok then, thanks."

With that, she hung up the phone and Jack pocketed it. He shoved the device into his schoolbag and ran back into the school, he hoped to catch his friends before they left. His charade was nearly over and he had grown quite fond of their odd little group, he wanted to spend as much time as possible with them before he took the money and ran. He had other jobs lined up already, you know.

Wooo! I actually bothered to write! Yay! Just fair warning it might be a while before the chapter is written because I have yet to decide what it will be. If I missed out on someone who should've been in one of the stories, just comment your name and I'll add you. If you want to be removed from a story just comment your name and say that you don't wanna be in it. 

Have fun waiting for me to not be lazy again!

Yours truly, the totally not psychopathic classmate writing about your deaths. 

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