Chapter 33 - Stephanie

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She pulled into the driveway of her mother's house just after dinner time. Carrie answered her knock on the door wearing an apron and dishwashing gloves.

"Stephanie! What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine. Just had a terrible and confusing day, and needed to get out of the city. Is this okay?"

"Of course, baby, where's your stuff?"

"Oh, I didn't bring any. I just got in the car and drove home."

Carrie looked at her with tears in her eyes, then pulled her into a tight hug.

"This is always your home. That city isn't home for anyone. Come on in, I'll make you some food and we can talk."

"Thanks Mom. I'm just exhausted though. Can I curl up in bed for a while first?"

She felt terrible watching her Mom's face fall as fast as it did.

"Of course, honey. Just yell if you need anything."

Stephanie trudged down the hall to her childhood bedroom. Carrie had never changed anything in it, and she was comforted by her high school memories, thinking of simpler times before she ever met Mark, David, or Kevin. She pulled out a pair of old sweats and curled up on her side in bed, watching the squirrels takeover the birdfeeder outside her window.

A few hours earlier, she was cuddled on the couch with Kevin and thought she couldn't be happier. How did it fall apart so fast?

She woke up after the sun was down, a still warm hot chocolate on the table beside her bed. She smiled; her Mom always knew what she needed. There was even a muffin on a plate beside it.

Sitting up, she wiped her face, feeling the dried salt trails left by tears she didn't even remember crying. She went to the bathroom to wash her face, then grabbed the snacks and went to find her Mom.

She found her in the living room, watching a hallmark movie. Carrie moved to turn off the television, but Stephanie waved her off. She sat on the love seat and curled her legs up under her, balancing the snacks on her knee.

She could feel her Mom's eyes burning into her skull, so she turned and smiled at her. "Thanks for the snacks. This is good."

"You're welcome. Will you tell me what happened?"

Stephanie shook her head, "Not yet. Let's just watch the movie."

She finished her snack as the movie ended, and took the dishes to the kitchen. She went back into the living room, kissed her Mom on the head, and bade her goodnight.


In the morning, Stephanie slept in until ten o'clock, then scrambled looking for her phone when she remembered it was Monday. She sprinted out to her car, and found the phone on the floor in the back seat.

She had a few missed calls and texts from Denise, and a missed call from Charlotte at work. She immediately called the office to let them know she wouldn't be in for a few days due to a situation back home. She had banked plenty of overtime already, and there was nothing particularly urgent that couldn't wait an extra couple of days.

Then she called Denise.

"Hey Stephanie."

"Denny. Can you talk?"

"Of course. Give me a second to get away from my desk."

Stephanie could hear shuffling in the background before Denise's voice came back on.

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