Final Author's Note

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First and foremost, to you, my readers. Thank you for reading this story. It was a journey for this book to get here, and in a world with seemingly unlimited entertainment choices, I am so honoured you chose to spend any of your time reading my work. Whether you've been following along with me from the start, or bingeing it now that I have finally marked it as complete, thanks for going on this journey with me.

To everyone who voted, commented, or sent me messages: thank you for the dopamine boost! Your support means the world to me, and your affirmation has inspired me to continue with my writing.  

This book was my best kept secret for the better part of two years, and arrived as a surprise to all of my friends and family, except for three individuals (you know who you are). I am eternally grateful for all the support they gave me during the process. Their unwavering faith in me got me through the rough patches when I just didn't feel like I was enough. They also told me when I needed to stop editing and just post it already, because they had more faith in my writing than I did, and they hadn't even read it yet. 

An extra special thank you to Kyle for designing the cover and my official author logo. I was the physical embodiment of the heart eyes emoji the first time I saw the logo. Please design everything for me in the future.

Lastly, for those of you (like me) who forget to take care of yourselves when you get pulled into a book: please listen to what your body is begging you for right now. Get up and stretch, and drink some water. You know who you are.  


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