Draco was laying on the ground, struggling to breath...
"MALFOY!!" Harry said, running over to him.
Harry fell to his knees, sliding into the dirt to Malfoy's body.
"P-Pottah" Malfoy struggled to say.
"Yes?" Harry said, caressing the side of Malfoy's dirt covered, bloody face.
"y-yo-you" he struggled to say, coughing violently after saying the word.
"Me? What?" Harry whispered, his hand resting on Draco's.
"Y-you have a..."
"A what?"
"a-a ba... badonkadonk dump-truck bootylicious ass.." Draco whispered, hsi voice hoarse, then he stopped breathing all together, his hand fell limp, his cheeks hollowed, and he sighed his last breath.
"I know... Draco." Harry said.
Harry got up, dusted off his pants, sighed and turned to the side.
and sadly twerked at Draco's corpse.
Draco twerked back at Harry in the afterlife.
lmao wtf.
thank you for reading.
please follow me asdfdsgdhgfmhdgnbsvadQW :)