Chapter 14: The Hope Of Victory

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The United Planets reached the Home System of the Oskau Empire. The War became of fight for their Survival, as Coalition forces finally reached the Inner worlds of the Oskau Empire. They were being defeated, and were in need of heavy equippment and assistance.

They would have no choice but to accept the United Planets as their superior Militaty power.

They signed an Armistice on July 19th, nearly 5 years after the War began. This would solidify the War's end, as they didn't have enough Manpower or resources to really fight such an Industrialized Army. They didn't expect to lost to such an opponent, which was stupid in itself.

A few days after the War's end, the Government of the Oskau Empire decided that 2 days before the Armistice take account, they decided to ask their Cadre if they recieved the request to launch the Missiles... they needed 90% of the Vote to do so, and a whopping 97.6% said Yes... the Missile silos are now open, and now are ready to fire.

The top 5 Officers all gave the command to launch the Missiles, as all 100 Million Missiles across all worlds of theirs launch Missiles to wipe out the Galatic Community including themselves... they didn't kill everyone, but a good portion of People.

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