State of The Galaxy

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The Galaxy is in peril, but Stable. Many of the Nations that had powerful Empires no longer do, and only a few Nations were untouched by Political and Economic impacts of this Tragic War. This was due to the Oskau Plans to wipe out both sides and claim victory, exept now the New Coalition was revived, and now was targeting the Oskau Empire in a Trade War, that was causing it's economy to weaken severely.

Almost 15 years after the event, massive protests across Coalition worlds were telling them to give up on keeping the Oskau people in poverty, but the Government knows what happens when you don't do that... they nearly died just TRYING to keep them in, but the Oskau Empire were also in a State of Civil War, in which the United Planets sent Outdated Equipment and Vehicles to the side that supports the United Planets. Over the 15 years between the events, Nations began to recolonize yet again across the Galaxy, and this time all Antimatter weapons and WMD's are dismantled by force from the U.P. Military.

Cody Jr. Is now a fully grown adult in a Galaxy of nearly 2 Trillion people, only around 10,000 worlds, with about 4,000,000 Mining and Refining Worlds of the Human Race. Most of Humanity was fine, but due to finding a way to end the Oskau Empire, but there was still an Issue of the Remnants being left over. Being 6'4" and 235 lbs of sheer might, he was a Big-Boned and Bulky Country Boy built on the factors of Respect and Calamity. He is in the U.P. Ranger Corp and is within the 77th Ranger Division, but eventually becomes the Commander of the United Planets Armed Forces.

 Ranger Corp and is within the 77th Ranger Division, but eventually becomes the Commander of the United Planets Armed Forces

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His Standard Kit:

His Standard Kit:

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