Chapter 24: The Eclipse

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     I lied there, listening to Drake's mellow breathing, staring at the flames in the fireplace, Drake rolled over, and greeted me, "Good morning, how'd you sleep?" He tried to hide the tiredness from his voice but failed miserably. "I slept fine, first time I have slept in a bed in a long time." I replied, a little preoccupied with looking at the ring Drake had given me, it was a golden band, with dozens of tiny diamonds all the way around. It was beautiful, but it seemed to be the most extravagant thing I owned.

     Drake sat up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "The perfect way to celebrate our wedding, is to go to the Lunar Eclipse Festival in Lólem, it'll be a nice change of pace, no killing, no life or death decisions, just an elegant night of food and all of the liquor you can drink." He said, I let out a groan, the idea didn't sit well with me, "I don't think it's a good idea, Lólem has some of the highest security in Rhōva, I don't think we'll be able to get in, and plus I've been away from Atlas quite a bit recently." I replied, I stood up and began to get dressed, placing my sword on my back, and grabbing my pack, Drake stood up, I tossed his clothes to him and walked out of the cottage, and put my pack into the saddle bag.

     Drake came rushing out, hopping around trying to get left pant leg on. I climbed on my horse and slowly walked ahead, giving Drake a chance to catch up. I followed the roads back towards the to the city. Enjoying the moment of quiet, when I reached the city, I led my horse back into his stall in the stables, Drake walked in shortly after, "I still think we should go, It's tonight, and all of the other kingdom rulers are going, makes sense we should." Drake's words started off confident and trailed off as if he wanted permission.

     "The festival is for the sophisticated. The Rich. They probably have a dress code. Not to mention that neither of us has an outfit elegant enough to enter." I said as I rolled my eyes and exited the stables, but before I could walk to the observatory, Drake pulled me towards the marketplace. "We'll get something fashionable enough to get us through the door." He replied with a smile that had crept up his face as he finished speaking, I let out a sigh.

     We walked passed the stalls and eventually came to a seamstress, the woman was hard at work over a loom, but that didn't stop Drake from introducing us to the woman. She turned to us and stood up, she stood a good four feet above me, she extended a hand and in a dramaticly deep voice said. "Francesca, how can I help you." Drake's face was frozen with his peasant smile, he sat there for a bit before he swallowed and explained we needed clothing for the festival tonight.

     Francesca gave a small smile and grabbed my hand, she led me into her tent and opened a large trunk full of clothing. She turned to me, narrowed her eyes and turned back to the trunk, sifting through the remnants of it, "The Lunar Eclipse Festival, is an exclusive event, You two don't seem like the royal type." She said, she seemed to be quite interested in finding out why we're going. I gave a patient smile and responded, "My Husband insists upon it, and I didn't agree, but we do hold this Kingdom, so it's not as if we don't meet the requirements." I responded, I took a seat in a chair by the exit and waited, I could have sworn that Francesca had a five o'clock shadow.

     After a few minutes Francesca let out a gasp and raised a blue dress, it was dark midnight blue towards the top, and lightened into blue and then purple at the bottom. She thrusted the dress towards me, "You must try it." She exclaimed, She pushed it towards me again. I grabbed it, and she immediately turned to the exit and disappeared. I examined the dress in my hands, it wasn't the worst I've seen. I began to strip out of my armour and placed them on the chair, I put on the dress, and called to Francesca. She entered and with a deep gasp responded with "Stunning. Now for the rest" She walked to the trunk and removed blue open toed heels and a thin translucent blue shawl like item.

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