Chapter 18: Passing the Time

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     I sat and watched the sun rise through the thin crack in the wagons fabric, I used a ceramic jug of water I to quickly rinse my hair, its been a while since I bathed, but it definitely couldn't hurt. Atlas had fell asleep on the floor near my feet, he looked peaceful, I looked for a bowl or saucer to give him something to drink. I opened the front wagon flap and frightened the man leading the horses, "Oh, calm down. I just need your helmet." I said with a sigh. The man looked like he wanted to protest but was to scared to do so. I grabbed his helmet and proceeded to fill it up as much as I could with water and lowered it in front of Atlas. The cub lifted his head and looked unimpressed with a watering bowl smelling faintly of facial sweat, but eventually drank from it. I set the helmet down and sat on the bench, "How much longer until we reach the city?" I asked the man. "Uh... a few hours if we continue at this pace... its a usually a day or two on foot, This is faster." he said, I reached into my pack and pulled out the leather bound diary, I lied down and decided to read some more into what happened between the first and last entry, while I had some time.

     The entries were by a mother, Theresa, and she writes about her daughter, Mixa. Theresa writes about how life was ages ago, everyone was happy, until Rotík single handedly set up a course of tyranny. The Mystics of the village began to panic, they began enforcing limits, curfews, mandates, The elders were forcing for a "last resort" for all occupants of the village, Theresa doesn't explain what the "last resort" is. As I'm reading through the entries one catches my eye, there's are splotches on the page as if she'd been crying as she was writing.

     "The elders of the village have mandated that all mystics that can use their powers effectively in combat are to be fitted for armour, and sent out on our first scouting mission outside the forest. I protested but they didn't pay much attention, I don't want to leave Mixa, but they threatened to exile us, 'let them take us' were the elders exact words."---

     The next entry seems to continue unlike the others. ---"The scouting mission went off without a hitch, It was amazing, I was able to use my abilities out in the world, and not just in bucket in the village. It's invigorating, We were able to gather some information about the nearest imperial camp and their next moves, it was oddly empty, we were able to get in and out without alerting the small group of soldiers patrolling. When we arrived back at the forest we were faced with pure destruction, Soldiers killing Mystics, and vice versa, my heart sunk. MIXA. I ran to our house at the northern side of the village, I dodged and fought to get to home, I threw open the door and just found her stuffed bear on the floor. I searched the house and came up empty, I let out a few shallow breaths. Where would the elders take her?... I ran out the door and bumped into a man, brown hair, scouts armour and a long sword on his back. He stopped and apologised, his words didn't reach my ears, It was just Drake. I shook it off and ran towards the center of the village. I'll find you Mixa, I promise."---

     I looked up from the diary to check on how long until we arrived at the city, Atlas lied with his head outside the flap, looking at the scenery as we rode. I popped through the front flap and asked the man driving, his scarred face looked less scared of me this time around. "An hour, tops, we aren't far." He almost sounded bored. I lied back down on the bench and decided to continue reading. I was curious. Drake?...The description she wrote fits enough, I'll have to keep reading.

     The next entry after the last doesn't fit where she left off, but I continued anyway. ---"The Elders have begun the last resort protocol. They're forcing the curfew more than before, they have council members guarding the doors. Some houses are still burning and they're keeping them locked in, it's inhumane! I'm writing this by candlelight and with a guard staring at me from the door. The Elders have taken the children, They won't tell me where Mixa is, I fought and pleaded and they refused to let me visit. They'll be freeing the children at the south side of the village."

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