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2022, a week later


Alex pulled his hand back from my hair and moved forward so he could see my face properly.

"I think it's about time to start painting again."

I whined playfully, shuffling deeper into the bed.


"Yes, let's go. It's better we get it done now and don't have to do it later, right?"

"Yeah," I sighed, sitting up.

Alex jumped out of bed and headed towards the door. I trailed behind him, following him all the way back into the living room. The patchy beige walls had dried and were waiting for another coat.

Alex cracked open the half-empty paint can again and dipped a large brush inside.

"You enjoy your over-complicated way of painting," I said as I grabbed a roller brush, "I'll do as little of work as I can do."

"Go for it," He chuckled.

The second, and final, coat probably took about an hour for us to complete. Well, minus the few wars we had.

"Think fast!" I shouted, splashing paint from my brush onto Alex.

He gasped and took a step back from the wall. He looked up from his shirt to me, a playful smile on his face.

"Oh, you little-"

We were both covered in paint, and in desperate need of a shower. Yet, instead of washing our faces off under hot water, we were curled up on the floor, giggling.

"What the fuck," Alex said breathlessly.

"Are we done?"

Alex sat up and looked around, admiring the walls.

"Looks like it, but only time will tell."

Alex moved to stand up, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to the floor.

"Stay with me, please?"

"We need to get the paint off of us before it dries,"

"We can worry about that later. I wanna lay down with you."

He sighed as he made contact with me, "Ok, but just for a little bit."

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