Invisible then forgotten-NR

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A/n this is a mother/daughter one. it's a sad ending :) 

Annika's pov

I found myself yet again standing outside the kitchen. I put my back against the wall and let the tears run down my face. My mother, Natasha Romanoff, and the rest of the avengers were in there having a great dinner for my birthday. They were having a great time, such a good time they didn't even realize I wasn't there. It took Tony doing a headcount for cake when everyone realized I wasn't there. They all shrugged it off and continued to eat the cake. My cake.

I went back to my room. They didn't even care about me. My 13th birthday, I was now officially a teenager, but none of that even mattered anymore. Was I really that unwanted, that unneeded? It seems like I was, because for the next week every time I tried to talk to Mom she just ignored me or said 'you need to leave because I'm working and you're a distraction'. These words stung. Just a distraction. It pissed me off. She didn't even care about me anymore. 

Now a month went by. I had started calling her Natasha, as 'mom' didn't feel correct. A mother should care, be there, communicate with their daughter. Which was the opposite Natasha did, so she didn't deserve that title. I had turned to training to help me let my emotions out. It was very theraputic (idk how to spell it lol) and calmed me down. I had gotten into knives, throwing them, close combat, everything and anything that had to do with them I enjoyed. Currently I was throwing knives at a target, hitting bullseye every time. 

Next thing I know Natasha is angrily storming through the door, Steve and Clint right behind her. They didn't look as angry, but Natasha was fuming. I didn't stop for them, though. Quite frankly, I expected them to walk right past me, not even acknowledging my existence. But I was wrong. Natasha walked right over to me, ripped the knives out of my hand, cutting my hand while doing so, and getting mad at me for using weapons. 

"What the fuck, Annika! You can't use weapons! You might break them, or get them dirty. You might break something! Christ do you even know how to clean them?! No, you don't! So stop using them! All you're doing is creating more mess for me to clean up! And I have much better things  to be doing! Now get out!" And with that I left. Not just the gym, the compound. I couldn't be here anymore. My hand was still viscously bleeding, but Natasha didn't notice. She was to busy caring about her precious little knives. She cares about them more than me. What a great mother she is. 

Walking around the city was a new feeling. I usually wasn't allowed out, as all I do is cause problems. Natasha's words, not mine. I waved over a taxi. The driver didn't support the idea of driving around a minor without an adult, but caved in when I offered to pay him double. Turns out Natasha has a secret safe stashed with money, which was easy to break into as her passwords all had something to do with the avengers. 

We started in NYC, currently in Queens, but I wasn't stopping there. I payed the nice taxi driver and apologized for the long drive. I continued by giving him double the amount I owed him, as I promised, then made my way to a cheap hotel. I got a small room and started to settle down. No one would realize I was missing for a while, and when they did, I doubt they'd care enough to conduct a search until they found me. They'd probably search, but give up after some time. 

I looked down at my hand. It was mostly just dry blood, but a tiny bit of it was fresh. I went to stitch it up. When the needle poked me the first time, I found it relieving. Finally, feeling something other than anger or sadness. I'm not sure what I felt, but it certainly helped me. I knew this wasn't a good thing to do, but I was too far gone as I put away the needle and reached for something sharper. I saw a razor, meant for shaving. 'not in this case' I thought to myself. 


At this point, I was absolutely covered in cuts. It was satisfying. It was relieving. I was slightly lightheaded. I knew I was losing blood, too much blood, but I didn't care. I have no life, no meaning or importance to anyway, so why continue. No one would miss me. No one would even notice. I continued cutting. There was blood everywhere. I felt sorry for the poor janitor who had to clean this up, but that didn't stop me. 

I realized I left Natasha no explanation, so i wrote a note. i didn't put thought into it. It's not like she'd care, and that's only if she found me.  I began writing. Tears were leaking out of my eyes. Blood was coming out of my wounds. 

Sitting on the floor now, I felt as the last bits of life faded out of me, as the sticky, crimson-colored liquid surrounded me. I finally felt free.

Natasha's pov

Annika ran. Where she went, i had no idea. But i had to find her. as much as i ignore her, she is my daughter. The whole team was helping me track her down, but luckily we caught her getting into a taxi on the security cameras that laid outside the tower. Watching the security feed, we saw as she went from town to town, and eventually got to a crappy hotel. we found out what room she got, and where on our way. we walked in, straight past the sleeping receptionist. 

Getting to her room, I lightly knocked. No answer. I knocked again, still no answer. Steve sighed and kicked the door open. We all froze. I felt the tears start to fall. I saw tony  and bruce run forward and search for a pulse on the dead girl. I felt clint bring my into a side hug. I watched as bruce sighed slowly before lowering his head, and how tony shook her  while tears flowed out of his eyes. I collapsed onto my knees, my hand covered my mouth. Clint slowly lowered himself on the ground next to me. 

Steve walked forward and pulled out a note. it was addressed towards us, the avengers. he slowly opened it. He read allowed,

"dear natasha, or mom, i dont know anymore" he closed the letter and handed it to me, as a sign of respect i assume, and slowly turned away. I felt everyone else stare at me as i opened the letter. Tears streamed down my face as I read.

'Dear Natasha, or mom, i dont know anymore,

hey. i know you're wondering why i did this. to be honest, i'm not sure why i'm doing this. im not sorry for doing this. dont cry about this. dont go telling people how much you missed me, how much you cared. you didn't. i saw it in your eyes, your body language, your words. but don't blame youself, either. some people are born into this world to give so much more than they will ever receive, whether it be love or something else entirely. as much as it pains me, i am one of these people. you knew it from the second i was born, too. i know i'm not normal. i know you didn't want me. i know i was conceived against your will, and for that i do apologize. I apologize for not being good enough, for wasting your space, for ruining your days, for being a distraction. im not sorry this is what it came to, because i know this is what we both want. i do wish we could've figure this out. it would've been fun to have a special mother/daughter relationship, i've dreamed of it multiple times. but that's all it was, a dream. and that's all it's meant to be, it seems. i know i lied, to the others. i know that every time they asked if i was alright, i would reply with an 'i'm doing great'. you know its crazy. i thought i was actually doing great. i guess that was happens though, growing up where no one gives a damn, but you can't complain because they save the world. you don't want to sound ungrateful because you live in a giant tower and get anything money can buy you. can i must say, goddamn money can buy a lot. it can buy me temporary happiness. it can buy me things to distract myself from my life. but i figured out it doesnt buy you love. it wont buy you a warm hug from someone who would do anything for you. so, i guess this is it. To tony, steve, bruce, clint, thor, wanda: don't get mad at natasha for not being there. dont forget that you were just as bad, even if it stung a little less. dont forget the time we got ice cream, but no one bothered to get me one, or the time we went shopping for my birthday, but you left me at the compound. And, hey, who knows, maybe one day you can explain to me how my cake tasted, while i listen from six feet under. And to Natasha: i dont know what i was suppose to do. i can't tell if you were trying to tell me what i was suppose to be doing. i can't imagine your life will change much. You'll get more work done, that's for sure. You'll probably laugh more, smile more, enjoy your life. I realize that I must be a very good spy, if even the famous black widow couldn't acknowledge my existence. so, yeah, there's one good thing. i know you meant no harm, you simply just couldnt love me. please know, i understand. i understand, natasha, and i will forever love you, even if you can't return the favor.

goodbye. '

"Goodbye, Annika. Rest in peace, my baby" 

A/N ehhh sorry lol.  im bad at writing sad things so this isnt that good. im working on the charity work thingy rn and that will hopefully be out later. also sorry for not updating in a while im bad at being productive. also literally love the name Annika so much idek why but tell me whatcha think. also I do take requests SO PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS

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